WETA Develops Clothing For Heroes

Superman lifting green car in Superman Returns
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

I’m still a little disappointed that the rumored JLA movie is going to be live-action instead of animated. Don’t get me wrong, I think a live-action Justice League could be impressive, with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and more coming together. It’s just this short time-span the film seems to be working under. I’m not confident the cast and crew are going to be able to pull it together in such a short time and still deliver an excellent movie.

But I have been wrong before and I could be again. After all, it appears the right people are moving into place to make this movie a success. As if director George Miller wasn’t already an excellent choice to lead the picture, one of the top names in visual effects is getting involved as well. Obsessed With Film reports that WETA has come on board to handle at least a small part of the effects.

The news is that, right now, WETA will be involved in costuming the caped crusaders, creating the outfits for all the main DC Comic heroes for the JLA movie. Although there’s not a ton of adjustments to make in some of these iconic costumes, like Superman and Wonder Woman’s garb, the batsuit has proven that there is plenty of room for interpretation. Just no nipples, please.

Of course, the hope is that WETA will be involved in more than just a few costumes. If they can bring a giant monkey to life and create Middle Earth out of New Zealand, you can only imagine what they could do for superheroes. There’s no actual word that the company will be handling the visuals, but with such a tight schedule for the production, it’s hard to imagine there will be any companies out there that won’t be rendering at least a few frames of footage.