D-Wars Footage Rocks

Army mobilizing in D-War
(Image credit: Younggu Art)

I’ve always been a fan of the Godzilla movies. There’s just something about the idea of some enormous entity destroying cities and humanity having to come together to overcome it. Almost a more physical manifestation of life’s problems – something that can be seen or beaten. It’s part of the reason I was such a fan of movies like ID4 and the like.

From Korea comes a movie that puts all of that to shame however: D-War. I have to admit, I hadn’t heard anything about this film before today, but it’s instantly hit my list of “must-see flicks”. The movie is about mythological beasts from ages past appearing in modern day and wreaking havoc, and it looks awesome.

Don’t take my word for it though. This “trailer” appeared on the web to really make us drool (originally found at The Rec Show). It’s not really a trailer to build suspense as much as it’s just some awesome footage from the movie:

D-War Trailer - video powered by Metacafe

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see that on the big screen. I hope this is a movie that gets a wide enough release to see it in theaters. While my home theater is good, I want to see that serpent encircle that building up on the big screen!