Will We Get A Hawkeye Movie? Here's What Jeremy Renner Said

Iron Man, Captain America and Thor each must be something special. Out of the current Avengers line-up (not including Edward Norton’s Hulk), they are the only ones to have starred in standalone films. While Marvel teased big plans for Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk and Scarlett Johansson keeps lobbying for a Black Widow movie, poor Hawkeye is chillin' in left field. He does have a significantly larger part to play in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but will we ever get to see him in a solo Hawkeye film?
The Daily Beast recently spoke with Renner about his latest reprisal of the character for this weekend’s big superhero movie event, but the site also asked about this pressing issue. According to Renner, it’s not out of the realm of possibilities.
There are always talks about things, but that doesn’t ever mean they’ll become a reality. All these things can still happen. They just pave some road and plant some seeds for future things—if they choose to go down that road.
Renner previously said that he wants to make this happen, but perhaps if Hawkeye were a more popular character, bigger waves would be made to offer him a solo outing. Marvel already has a busy schedule after Age of Ultron. Ant-Man is later this year; Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange are in 2016; Guardians of the Galaxy 2, the new Spider-Man movie and Thor: Ragnorak in 2017; Avengers: Infinity War, Part 1, Black Panther and Captain Marvel in 2018; and Infinity War, Part 2 and The Inhumans in 2019. It's sad to say, but Hawkeye just isn't a priority. If the arrow-slinging Avenger were going to stand alone in the spotlight, it would have to be in 2019 at the earliest. But even then, if there’s anyone getting a solo film, Black Widow better be first on that list.
Fans of Hawkeye will be happy to know that more of his story will be revealed with Age of Ultron. We won’t get into spoilers just yet, but Joss Whedon spotlights both him and Black Widow. What does Hawkeye do when he’s not out avenging? You’ll find out! For the time being, this will be as close to a solo Hawkeye movie that we’re going to get, so milk it for all it’s worth.
Marvel’s Kevin Feige did say that he’s interested in continuing the Marvel universe after Phase 3 is over and done with. Though, how the studio might top something as epic as Infinity War is beyond me. Should another Phase or other films outside of the current universe be green lit, that would leave room for more stories and character spotlights that we’ve been craving. At least he's coming back for Civil War... along with just about every Marvel character imaginable.
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