Whedon Shuns Mutants

It’s been awhile since I’ve had a nice, juicy, ridiculously stupid rumor to report on. AICN has ended my drought. Today they’ve got another one of their “anonymous scoopers” running about claiming that despite his October protestations to the contrary, Joss Whedon is in fact being pursued by Fox to direct X-Men 3 The catch is that he simply doesn’t want to do it.

Instead, according Aint-It-Cool-News, Joss is jockeying to direct Joel Silver’s 2006 Wonder Woman movie for Warner Brothers. What’s the directorial version of typecasting? He’s going to finish up Serenity and then go right back to making properties featuring ass kicking women? I suppose if there’s an Alias movie he’ll be lined up to direct that as well.

Frankly I’m somewhat surprised to hear that Wonder Woman is even still happening. After reaching the absolute bottom of the barrel in casting rumors, word of it had just sort of faded away. Throw this in the rumor bin with all those old Bruce Campbell casting rumors and let it lay there while I look for some sort of confirmation. Of course we’re not likely to get any, so get comfortable with not knowing.

Blend News Network

Little Nepitiz in The CB Forum.

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