The Witwickys Are Back In Transformers 3

I know a lot of you loved Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen but can we all at least come together and agree on this one simple fact: Sam Witwicky’s parents are horrible. They were tolerable in the first movie, they served a purpose, Sam’s dad was even kind of great during their car shopping sequences. But they long ago lived out their usefulness and didn’t deserve such a bit role Transformers 2 and they certainly don’t belong in Transformers 3. Too bad, they’re in it anyway.
Variety says Kevin Dunn and Julie White have signed deals to return as Ron and Judy Witwicky in the next Transformers movie. Will Judy Witwicky eat more pot brownies and then behave as if she’s on black tar heroin to push incorrect anti-marijuana propaganda even further? Who knows. Maybe this time she’ll accidentally marry a woman and then rail against gay marriage or something instead. Michael Bay’s never afraid to tackle the day’s hot button issues… in the worst way possible.
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