X-Files 2: Is The Truth Out There?

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in The X-Files: Fight the Future
(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

It’s a weird thing when a legitimate movie studio intentionally takes on the role of internet troll. A few days ago we speculated that this may be what’s going on with X-Files 2, there’s a growing suspicion that Chris Carter and his production team or Fox Studios are intentionally leaking all kinds of fake information to movie sites like this one, because they’re paranoid and desperate to hide every detail of the film, or because they like screwing with us. Take your pick.

Anyway, today the guys over at UGO have thrown a little more fuel on this suspicion fire. They were recently invited the set of X-Files 2, and say they got that same vibe, even while they were on set. UGO’s Patrick says, “I was with a bunch of online journalists and it was mentioned more than once by the various talent how they don’t want the story details of their show ruined months before it has a chance to open.” That desire for extreme secrecy seems to have led them to start viewing journalists as the enemy. Patrick continues, “As soon as I left the set of X-Files 2 that day I felt that I didn’t have enough to do a decent story about the show because I knew next to nothing about what was going on.”

Secrecy definitely seems to be the order of the day on the X-Files 2 set, you have to wonder why they’d even invite people to the set if they didn’t want to tell them anything. And from what Patrick says, it sounds like a lot of what they did show him might have been entirely faked. Patrick says, “the paranoid side of me suspects that the stuff that I did see on my X-Files 2 set visit could have been phony, or perhaps the reason why less was explained to our group than to the audience attendees at WonderCon is that we’re viewed as the enemy.”

It’s a strange marketing tactic. When you’re talking to the media, you’re basically talking to your fans since the media is the only way your fans have to interact with what you’re doing most of the time. Is it really a good policy to lie to your fans about what you’re doing? I can’t decide how I feel about this whole thing. Is it a big deal, or is it kind of cool that they’d go through so much trouble to throw all of us off track and keep it a secret? I guess I don’t mind the secrecy, it’s just lying that makes me feel uncomfortable, if indeed that’s what’s going on here.

It’s hard to know who to trust now, and so when UGO says they have a new scoop on what the movie may be about, I don’t even know if I should bother reporting on it. I guess I might as well. They say the movie is about multiple monsters, which may or may not mean things like vampires and werewolves. Of course even if they’d heard that from Chris Carter himself, at this point there’s no way to know if it’s true. Is the truth out there? Nobody knows.

Josh Tyler