9/11 Disqualified?

Just when you thought all the Fahrenheit 9/11 hullabaloo was over, Michael Moore is making headlines yet again.

It appears now that Moore might not follow up on his Bowling For Columbine Oscar win for Best Documentary with one for his latest flick. Does it have anything to do with the film's, or Moore’s, political agenda? No siree. Details have just come out stating that the film has violated the one of the Academy’s rules for eligibility. Said rule states that a feature film can not be shown on television until nine months after it’s initial release date. The movie has yet to be played on American airwaves, it is being reported that the Cuban government’s state ran television network have recently broadcasted the documentary.

Honestly, big deal. So Moore doesn’t get nominated and/or win. That’s one less tedious acceptance speech. Leaves one more spot open for Metallica: Some Kind of Monster. Thanks to our BTNN brother, Brian Cleveland, for the heads up.

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