news:blended 1.17 - 1.23

Too lazy to read all the wonderful news our insightful crew scours the globe to bring you every day? Too outmoded to have an MP3 player for the podcast? Shame on you all! However, being the generous lot we are, welcome to news:blended, your weekly guide to the most interesting stories reported on Cinema Blend over the last seven days.

It was sort of a weird week. It was just Saturday and the whole week looked normal. Then we kicked Sundance’s ass with tons of reviews, pictures, and interviews. Then we had some technical problems. Now, all of sudden, it’s Friday and the week is over. Thank God.


Baby, it’s cold outside. Let’s do some interviews!

We’ve shot, now let’s reshoot!

We had a crew at Sundance and they did all sorts of stuff. Drink coffee, stand in the cold, pick their noses. They also interviewed the director and the star of Lymelife. That’s a movie about Lyme disease. You get it from ticks, I think. I don’t think the interview included a discussion of ticks, but you never know. You also never know what will happen when they do reshoots on a movie that’s supposed to open in a few months. Since that’s what they did for Wolverine, we should find out soon. The rumor is…more Deadpool! I have no idea what that means, but that’s the rumor.


We had a camera, so we put it to good use.

Jameson is hungry like the wolf.

Sundance wasn’t all watching movies and interviewing big time stars. It was also taking pictures of those stars and posting them on the Internet. And that’s just what we did. At least that’s what Leanne did. She didn’t take J.K. Simmons picture. Not because she was incompetent or anything, but he was busy elsewhere talking about Spider-Man 4. He compared himself to a wolf. Not sure why, but he did.


Yeah, even Best Makeup

He’s surprisingly not as much like Gollum as you’d think.

Katey Rich boldly predicted the Oscar nominees before the actual nominees were announced on Thursday. Not just the big ones, but things like Best Makeup and Best Sound Mixing. I wouldn’t even know where to start with those. I also wouldn’t know where to start if I got an exclusive interview with Andy Serkis. Fortunately I didn’t, but Katey did and she knew where to start, where to go in the middle, and how to end.


One of the many, many, many Sundance reviews.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Tuesday included a lot of Sundance reviews and pictures. They show a lot of movies there that might end up at your local artsy fartsy theater, if you have one. If you don’t, you will get them on DVD in 6 months, so be patient. While you’re waiting, check out many of our red carpet photos. You might find yourself saying “hey, that’s Pierce Brosnan.” I wonder if anyone mentioned Mamma Mia! and his singing while he stood there.


Nothing happened on Wednesday. Seriously. Nothing. Move along. .


Same ol, same ol.

These movies are offensive. Smelling. I mean they smell bad.

Both the Oscars and the Razzies put out there nominations on Thursday. The Oscars skipped the best movie of the year, The Dark Knight, in all the main categories (except the deceased Heath Ledger) and put all their love on The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. That means another Oscars where I don’t give a crap. Way to go Academy! On the other side of the dial, the Razzies nominated The Love Guru and other bad films for their awards. Two movies I gave one star to made the cut, so nice work by me. If Disaster Movie isn’t named Worst Film, then the fix is in.


What about the damn Tribbles, JJ?

Domo Arigato Mr. Pottero

It was nerd heaven on Friday. First came news that there is a comic book coming that will set up the new Star Trek movie. Star Trek + Comic Book = Geeks orgasm. Then the power of the Internet brought us a new Harry Potter trailer all the way from the Land of the Rising Sun. You almost forget that they bombed the hell out of us in the 1940’s. All is forgiven.

That’s all for another week of news blending. It’s like what you get at Jamba Juice, but cheaper and not quite as healthy. If you liked it or didn’t, leave some feedback.