news:blended 11.17 - 11.23

Too lazy to read all the wonderful news our insightful crew scours the globe to bring you every day? Too outmoded to have an MP3 player for the podcast? Shame on you all! However, being the generous lot we are, welcome to news:blended, your weekly guide to the most interesting stories reported on Cinema Blend over the last seven days.

The writer’s strike is dragging on, but you wouldn’t really know it around here. There are still movies to review, stories to make up, um, I mean report, and news to blend. There is also a new Superman, lots of movie pimping going on, and a possible connection between Heroes and Cloverfield. Also, there are only 31 shopping days until Christmas. Get moving.


Out of the wheelchair, into some tights.

WGA back to the bargaining table.

Sometimes weekends around here can be a bit quiet. We like to draw the blinds and sleep off the memory of whatever it is we did the night before. Last Saturday, though, we found out the Scott Porter of Friday Night Lights wheelchair fame will be Superman in Justice League of America. So we sobered up to bring it to you first. Since we were at the keyboard anyway, we also let you know that talks will resume in the writer’s strike on Monday. That doesn’t mean that the strike is over, it just means that the thing they need to do to end the strike has started.


Moneymakers want to make more money.

The strike is not all bad.

A real non-news news story is one when someone doesn’t say he will or won’t do a project, just that he might do it. Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski said if there is another Pirates movie, it will focus on Captain Jack Sparrow and take him a new direction. Hopefully it will be in the direction of a film that doesn’t suck, unlike At World’s End. Speaking of sucky movies, the writer’s strike has put Angels and Demons on hold. Keeping The DaVinci Code prequel on the shelf is probably the best thing that will come out of the strike.


Cinema Blend gets a face lift

Cheerleaders in Mexico.

You may have noticed things look a little different around here. On Monday our czar, Josh Tyler, decreed that things must change and change they did. Mostly it’s looks-wise, there wasn’t any change in my paycheck or anything. There wasn’t a change in who gets to fly around the world covering International film festivals either. Once again, it wasn’t me. Alexandra Calamari is down at the Cancun International Film Festival and let us know about Gabriel Union winning a humanitarian award. She’s against rape and for not dying of breast cancer. Can’t argue with that.


We tell you when things will and won’t happen, maybe.

Walking a little harder.

On Tuesday we got word that both Wolverine and Justice League of America would be delayed. The writer’s strike only caused some of the problems, there are also space issues at studios in Australia impacting Wolverine. Fox responded the next day that they would probably not be a Wolverine delay, but they didn’t sound convincing. There are no problems with the new Judd Apatow written and produced spoof, Walk Hard. The thing looks so good it makes my testicles squirm. Now there is a trailer out that uses the f-word. That’s right, you can hear real live swearing.


Dragonball Z, the movie people care about.

I’d like an Ultimate Squishee, made entirely of syrup.

The possible casting choices for a Dragonball Z live-action movie has certainly gotten reader’s typing fingers moving. They either think it will be great or the most horrible thing ever. Not much middle ground. Cloverfield will probably be one of those no middle ground movies, too. Now there is word the characters will be sucking down certain types of drinks also seen on Heroes. I just wish they’d never sent Hiro to ancient Japan. God, was that dumb. .


Musical will have a guy singing a song.

Meet the new poster, same as the old poster.

Sweeny Todd is a musical. You wouldn’t know it from most of the advertising out so far, but there is singing and everything. Johnny Depp can be seen in a video laying down some vocal tracks, I guess to prove that Tim Burton didn’t cut out all the songs. In more advertising news, the poster for Cloverfield now includes the name of the movie, Cloverfield. So if you were looking at the old poster of the headless Statue of Liberty and were wondering what the movie would be called, now you know.


Bruce Wayne has the big one.

British bastards get chance to do something fun.

The next Batman movie, The Dark Knight is going to be freakin’ awesome. That’s pretty much a given. It’s also going to be big. IMAX big. It’s being shot for IMAX screens along with regular screens and director Christopher Nolan talks about that in order to get everyone pumped about it. Warner Brothers is trying to get people pumped about buying Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on DVD. They are giving away a walk-on role in the next Potter movie. You can’t win it unless you live in England. Payback for 1776, I guess.

That’s all for another week of news blending. It’s like what you get at Jamba Juice, but cheaper and not quite as healthy. If you liked it or didn’t, leave some feedback.