news:blended 4.7 - 4.13

Too lazy to read all the wonderful news our insightful crew scours the globe to bring you every day? Too outmoded to have an MP3 player for the podcast? Shame on you all! However, being the generous lot we are, welcome to news:blended, your weekly guide to the most interesting stories reported on Cinema Blend over the last seven days.

We are really on a roll now. Last week we broke a big story that was immediately disavowed by the subject. This week we broke two casting stories and no one disavowed anything. They didn’t exactly….uh….avow it either, but I’m thinking we’re going in the right direction. Enjoy the highlights of the rest of the week in movie news.


Teaser trailer teases us about Halloween.

Making America safe from low priced produce.

Saturday was a day where we didn’t give much love to the movie news junkies. Go outside, we seemed to be saying, have a damn life you couch potato. But for those who refused to have said life, we offered up a trailer to Halloween 2007. Rob Zombie has remade John Carpenter’s scary movie and it looks not half bad. At least if you can believe the teaser trailer, which you can’t. There was also casting news about Harrison Ford and Ray Liotta starring in a movie about the illegal alien situation. The guy who made The Cooler is directing, so let’s hope this new movie is as good as that one.


Blades of Glory makes more money than other movies, again.

Gordon-Levitt may do whatever a replacement spider can.

Sunday is typically the day we tell you about who won the big box office war. It was Blades of Glory, which was a surprise to people who expected Grindhouse to rule the roost. That movie did rule the hell out of 4th place, though, which is considered a disappointment by those who are disappointed by how well movies do financially. The Lookout, a favorite of this site, finished 17th. Since the show I went to had a total of four people in attendance, I’m actually surprised it did that well. It’s very good and you should see it with eight friends. Right now. Later in the week, we were the first to tell you that The Lookout star Joseph Gordon-Levitt is being considered to replace Tobey McGuire as the web slinger in future Spider-Man movies. So, if McGuire leaves (boooooo), Gordon-Levitt may jump in (yeaaaaaa.)


Tarantino accused of thought crime.

Grindhouse makers think two are better than one.

On Monday, the Grindhouse numbers resulted in some knee jerk "what went wrong" analysis. Sometimes movies are just not so great and people don’t want to see them. You know how you fix that? Make a better movie. Alternately, you can take one movie that people don’t want to see and split it into two movies that people don’t want to see. The Weinstein Company may do the latter. Despite the relatively modest box-office, a couple of guys are claiming Quentin Tarantino stole the concept of a "grindhouse" movie from them. Josh Tyler politely disagreed and only called them morons two or three times. I’m not sure why, I invented the idea of making a movie about the American West of the 1800’s and will staunchly defend my rights against all thieving bastards.


We break story and Tom rakes in the dough.

Bloom may liven up Superman sequel.

On Tuesday we broke the story that Tom Hanks will definitely be back for a follow-up to the lame Da Vinci Code. The word is he will be paid more than anyone ever to continue to be a lackluster Robert Langdon in Angels & Demons. I would love to make more than anyone to be lackluster, since I have the lackluster part down. They are going to begin filming in July, so great ready to be bored in 2008. In non-exclusive casting news, Orlando Bloom might be in Superman Returns 2 (or whatever they end up calling it, Superman Forever? Superman and Krypto?) He was seen talking to the people making the movie and then the seers posted it on the Internet and we found the posting and reported it to you. You’re welcome.


Don’t know much about history.

Earth will stand still for my former college classmate.

On Wednesday, we started (actually stolen from the music section) a feature we humbly call THE GREAT DEBATE. It’s where CinemaBlend critics, contributors, or hangers-on debate controversial movie-related subjects. Our first such debate pitted Scott Gwin against Brian Holcomb on "Does History Matter." The feedback indicates that people mostly think the person who won the debate was the person who supported the position they believed in before they started reading. Once again showing that debates don’t change our already closed minds, they just give us more ammo to slam the stupid people who don’t agree with us. On a personal note, the confirmation of Scott Derrickson as the director of a remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still brought me up short. We went to college together ("together" means at the same time, not that we were buddies) and to read about him making big movies is odd since I used to listen to him play Romantics covers in Battle of the Bands contests on our quad. Good luck to you Scott.


Sandra Bullock makes another movie, despite the many reasons not to.

Pictures from movies.

Why in the name of holy hell is Sandra Bullock still making movies? Most of them are not just bad, but really, really bad. She’s gonna be in All About Steve about an obsessive crossword puzzle constructor who stalks some guy. I’m sorry, she’s had her chance. Next! Also, some of the big movies this summer are going to be released by the nice folks at Paramount Pictures. In order to generate some buzz for their films, they have released stills from Shrek the Third, Transformers and a few others. Now I’m buzzing, are you?


We talk about Christina Ricci in Speed Racer.

Christina Ricci talks about Christina Ricci in Speed Racer.

Why have only one Christina Ricci story a day when two is twice as tasty. Ricci will play Speed Racers’ girlfriend, Trixie, in the upcoming Wachowski Brothers version of Speed Racer. We reported the confirmation of her casting and then immediately double downed by adding a YouTube video of Ricci talking about her role. Hopefully that will hold you over until Black Snake Moan hits DVD.

That’s all for another week of news blending. It’s like what you get at Jamba Juice, but cheaper and not quite as healthy. If you liked it or didn’t, leave some feedback. Also, read our news section, we aren’t always first but we won’t be undersold.