Too lazy to read all the wonderful news our insightful crew scours the globe to bring you every day? Too outmoded to have an MP3 player for the podcast? Shame on you all! However, being the generous lot we are, welcome to news:blended, your weekly guide to the most interesting stories reported on Cinema Blend over the last seven days.
I saw Into the Wild last week and reviewed it here. While it has some weaknesses it’s better than any move the movies I’ve referenced below will be. So get out there and support Sean Penn before he opens his mouth about politics and sounds like a horse’s ass.
Sex in the City – Bun in the Oven.
Saturday was one of those typically slow Saturday news days. But there was a Sex in the City update. One of the characters is carrying a little extra something around on the set. That’s right, a huge ego! Also, maybe something else that is more plot related.
Let the battle of the dregs begin!
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
X-Men spinoff continues to spin.
Resident Evil? Sydney White? Good Luck Chuck? People actually paid money to see these movies? Not many did, actually. Let’s all just pretend this movie release week never happened. And pretending is what we will do when the Wolverine movie finally reaches theaters. We will all pretend The Last Stand never happened and hope to god it is a decent sequel/spin-off.
Take heart toy movie fans, all is not lost.
Older black actors to play older black singers.
If you were worried about all the potential roadblocks to a Transformers sequel then there is at least hope out there. Paramount has blocked out a day for the sequel’s release. Now they only need one thing…oh yeah, a movie. Don’t you love Bernie Mac? Haven’t you thought, I wonder what it would be like to see him teamed with Laurence Fishburne? Well, the next best thing is going to happen when he teams up with Samuel L. Jackson.
Geek talks to geeks about geek-movie.
Miller going up to the spirit in the sky.
Tuesday was comic-movie day. I just say that because of the 15 or so stories we posted, two had to do with comic book adaptations. First off, Zack Snyder talks about his upcoming Watchmen in a short video clip. If you’re into that movie or that director than that clip is for that you. Second off, Frank Miller’s The Spirit has cast the love interest for the main character. The guy is dead and he has a hot girlfriend. Nice.
Inside the mind of a supporting stereotype.
State of Play will have big names and hot babes.
If you’ve seen the ads for The Heartbreak Kid remake, you’ve seen Carlos Mencia looking like a stereotype. It doesn’t make me laugh, but maybe in context it is funnier. We interviewed him so you can read about his plans for crossing over to Kevin James-like stardom. Carlos is probably the only famous person not in State of Play. Not only do they have one of the Bluth kids, but they have a few hot chicks. Everything you need. .
Rafe talks to the Farrelly Brothers….yeah, those Farrelly Brothers.
Guy you never heard of up for Kirk.
The Farrelly Brothers made a couple of good (or at least funny) movies and seemed to be on their way. Then they made a bunch of bad (or at least unfunny) movies and you have to wonder what they’ve been thinking the last 10 years. Well, Rafe asked them that question (or at least some questions about stuff) and they were nice enough to answer. Another guy who will be answering questions is this guy that might get the role of Captain Kirk in the upcoming Star Trek movie. I’ve never heard of him and neither have you. So he should have a lot of new things to say.
Questions about three men and a train.
Katey doesn’t blink at good movie.
They have one of those film festival things in New York and it started on Friday. That means you can see not only tons of movies, but listen to tons of interview panels. Of course you have to be in New York to do that. You aren’t but Katey Rich is. So she’ll do all the heavy lifting for us and we can just sit back and read her reviews, interviews, and reports.
That’s all for another week of news blending. It’s like what you get at Jamba Juice, but cheaper and not quite as healthy. If you liked it or didn’t, leave some feedback.