Even A Japanese X-Men Apocalypse Trailer Is No Match For Deadpool’s Snark


Just when you thought Deadpool could pipe down and let the other mutants have the spotlight, the record-breaking, fourth wall violating mutant has returned! Though we're not talking about any footage for a new sequel just yet, rather the "merc with a mouth" has appeared in a trailer for the upcoming Japanese release of X-Men: Apocalypse. So if you jump to 2:31 in the trailer below, you can skip straight to Wade Wilson's fun facts about this summer's mutant laden movie.

20th Century Fox's Japanese YouTube channel dropped the spot yesterday, as X-Men: Apocalypse isn't set to be released in Japan until 8/11. However, Deadpool was released at the beginning of this month, which means that this trailer is a little older, as Wade Wilson more than gladly shills for his own film in this spot. Though that's not the only reason Wilson made an appearance in this trailer, as he explained the following painful, but truthful, fact:

I know what you're thinking, 'An after credits scene for a trailer? I thought they only did that for movies, right?' Well, not everyone makes it to the end of Fox movies, so now we're doing it after trailers.

Even going to some Marvel Studios films, you'll notice people who leave before the credits have ended, missing out on some of the good stuff that potentially connects the universe's various franchises together. In the case of Deadpool, while he didn't have anything to say about X-Men: Apocalypse, that still doesn't change the fact that if he did, there was a good number of people that would have missed it in the theaters. So what better way to promote brand synergy, and all possible franchise crossover possibilities, than by using a character from franchise A to poke fun of, and sell, franchise B's latest trailer.

And poke fun of them he does, as Deadpool takes his cameo as an opportunity to point out five smart assed "easter eggs" from X-Men: Apocalypse. Yet for all of the Wham-inspired and mutant-centric joke that Deadpool could crack, there was one that made the whole exercise worth it. If you can't guess which mutant Wade is talking about in the following description, then you probably need to go back and watch Deadpool again.

Looks like they're introducing a Japanese mutant, with Ginsu knives coming out of his hands. Let's see how that goes.

It goes without saying that Wolverine is the subject of ridicule, as his brief cameo in X-Men: Apocalyse is shown in the trailer, and we all know how highly Deadpool thinks of his Canadian teammate. So really, if there wasn't a Wolverine joke included in this Deadpool cross-promotion, then it would have been cause to wonder if he was doing well. But considering how well the film has performed on a global level, we'd like to think that Wade Wilson helped his X-Men pals out for the love of the business.

For our Japanese readers, you can see Deadpool in theaters now, with X-Men: Apocalypse hitting on August 11th. Domestically, you can enjoy Deadpool on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital HD, with X-Men: Apocalypse following suit at a presumable fall 2016 release date.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.