To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right Ghostbusters Movie Ticket

Finally, all of the backlash and vitriol can be put to one side, because _Ghostbusters _has been released and we can judge it on its own merits, rather than tediously squabbling over it for frivolous reasons. Early reviews have been impressive for Paul Feig, Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones' reboot of the beloved 1984 sci-fi comedy classic, with most critics insisting that while it doesn't quite match up to the original, it's still wholly entertaining and obviously hilarious.
But what about the 3D? While Ghostbusters' trailers were chastised for hiding the comedy that has now come to the fore in the feature release, the film's visuals and its potential use of 3D were hardly discussed. That's what we're here to chat about. If you want a review of Ghostbusters, click over here. This, on the other hand, is a review solely of Ghostbusters' 3D performance, and whether you should spend a little more of your hard earned extra cash to see it in 3D. What's the verdict? Click below to find out.
Of course it is. When the Ghostbusters are hounding down their prey, it's basically like a journey through a haunted house, where the ghouls and members of the undead can pop up at any moment and shock and scare you. 3D was always going to make these moments even more frightening and immersive, while director Paul Feig also smartly makes sure not to oversaturate the film with this technology, only using it for specific scenes and never letting it get in the way of the comedic exchanges.
Clearly Paul Feig and his team thought long and hard about how to get the most out of integrating the ghosts into the film with this technology. The 3D is specifically used to make the ghosts that Abby Yates (Melissa McCarthy), Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig), Jillian Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon), and Patty Tolan (Leslie Jones) are trying to bust more imposing, frightening, and cinematic. Something that they achieve spectacularly. As Ghostbusters' set-pieces become more and more grandiose as the film progresses (it culminates in a huge Times Square stand-off between the gals and the evil and powerful demon Rowan), so does the 3D and visuals, especially in the film's spellbinding final moments.
Despite being the main reason why most moviegoers actually go and see 3D films, very few movies actually use this technology to make items and whatnot fly out of the screen towards the audiences' faces. But Ghostbusters does. In fact, it uses it more than any 3D film I've ever seen. Protons fired out of the Ghostbusters' packs stream towards you, as does slime, puke, skeletons, flying ghosts and even a dragon. It doesn't just happen once, it occurs throughout the film, all of which causes you to repeatedly lean back in both shock and awe. 5/5 doesn't do it justice. If I could, I'd give it 10/5. But then such a flagrant disregard of the rules would result in me getting a slap on the wrist. Plus, it would probably cause the Recap table on the next page to implode.
Not quite as obvious or striking as the above, but still an ever-present, Ghostbusters' beyond the window usage allows the scope and urban hustle of New York City to really come to life. It's most impressively used in the final action set-piece, though, to show the size of the Ghostbusters' task, as you're constantly invited to take a look beyond the frame to the background to see the variety of different ghosts that they have to tackle, while you also get a clear view of them flying around in the distance.
Ghostbusters is awash with a variety of different colors, each of which truly sparkle and illuminate on screen because of the 3D. From the opening scene, which sees slime emerging from the cracks in the floor, to the bluish hue that surrounds most of the ghosts that give off a fun-house vibe, via a huge green dragon and wormhole, the bright alluring colors of Ghostbusters is immediately hypnotic and draws the eye.
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By taking your glasses off, you get to see how much depth is being created by the 3D in the image. While Ghostbusters makes sure not to use 3D throughout the film - there's really no point when Wiig, McCarthy, McKinnon, and Jones are cracking wise in their headquarters -- when it is deployed, the camera always allows space and depth for it to be filled with the technology.
Some people can find themselves feeling nauseous due to the amount of 3D. But, despite Ghostbusters' at times prolific use of the technology, it's incorporated in such a smooth and subtle manner that even those of you with the weakest of dispositions shouldn't find yourselves troubled by it. Kids -- and make no bones about it, for better or worse, Ghostbusters is proudly a family film -- shouldn't have any issues feeling sick, too. I can't promise that they won't have a few nightmares because of it, though.
Ghostbusters is the 3D film that we've all been waiting for. While it's admittedly not used throughout, when the 3D is employed, it immeasurably increases the enjoyment of its scenes, as it utilizes everything that the technology has to offer in a vivid, immersive yet detailed fashion that drags you wholeheartedly into the thick of the action.
What's even more impressive is that it's Paul Feig, a director who, before this, was known primarily for working in comedy, that has shown a panache and meticulous eye for making 3D work so spectacularly and engrossingly, too. And while 3D will always have its naysayers, Ghostbusters is now the prime retort to those who insist that it's not worthwhile.