Watch Will Smith Get Flustered When Asked Why He Didn't Make A Suicide Squad Song

Never let anyone tell you that Will Smith isn't one of the last great Hollywood movie stars out there. For the last two decades the man has established himself as a bona fide charm factory with his knack for acting, as well as musical accompaniment to many of his performances. His latest film, Suicide Squad, features a soundtrack that heavily relies on pop music cues, which has us wondering why he didn't contribute to the lengthy track list. Apparently that's something that the entire Internet has wondered as well, and Smith finally have us a definitive (if somewhat sputtered) answer regarding the matter. Check it out below.
Recording a live Twitter Q&A session straight from the world premiere of David Ayer's Suicide Squad, Margot Robbie proctored fan questions and asked Will Smith why he did not add a song of his own to the comic book movie's soundtrack. Equivocating like an absolute pro, Smith stutters out an answer about being "at the thing," and they "they" wouldn't let him do it. He's clearly joking around, and after a brief (and awkward) pause his answer causes Margot Robbie to erupt with laughter. Remember what I said about the charm?
We cannot even begin to explain how much we would have wanted to hear a Will Smith song on the soundtrack of Suicide Squad. The film already maintains an incredibly irreverent and oddball sensibility, so it's not like it would have sacrificed any seriousness if a hokey rap began playing as Deadshot mowed down bad guys. If anything it probably would have enhanced the viewing experience.
Anyone who grew up during the early years of Will Smith's career will undoubtedly look back fondly upon the days during which he would rap regularly. From the opening sequence of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, to "Getting' Jiggy Wit It," to the main theme song from Wild Wild West, it was all pure gold. Of course we all know it wasn't traditionally "good" rap, but dammit we look back fondly on that quintessentially 1990s era of music.
If you were alive during that era, then you already know what I'm talking about. If you're on the younger side, check out the video below to get a quick lesson on the majesty that is a Will Smith rap:
Beautiful, isn't it? So while Will Smith did not contribute to the soundtrack of Suicide Squad, our hopes remain high that his incarnation of Floyd Lawton could show up in another DCEU film at some point to lay down a (literally) killer track. The worst heroes ever will assemble on the silver screen this weekend when Suicide Squad finally debuts; make sure to check it out!
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Originally from Connecticut, Conner grew up in San Diego and graduated from Chapman University in 2014. He now lives in Los Angeles working in and around the entertainment industry and can mostly be found binging horror movies and chugging coffee.