When Wolverine 3 Will Reveal New Details, According To Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman Wolverine

Wolverine is the best there is at what he does, but he cannot do it forever. We've known for some time that the next Wolverine movie would in fact be Hugh Jackman's last adventure as the adamantium-laced badass, which means that he will likely send the character off with a serious bang. Despite that fact, we still have little concrete information about the upcoming third installment in Wolverine's solo series. Wondering when we will finally get some juicy new details? It seems that we may only have to wait one more week. Jackman elaborated:

We've finished shooting. I just saw [director] Jim Mangold today. He's editing away and finishing that. There's going to be some stuff coming out in the next week or so. That's all I'll say. I'm not good. I'm the kind of person who tells everybody everything. Basically it's going to be different. Very different in tone and hopefully to anything we've done.

Hugh Jackman recently spoke to ET on the red carpet at Hollywood's Night Under The Stars and shed some light onto the progress of the next Wolverine movie. Although the film has remained very firmly under wraps in recent months, he revealed that director James Mangold is currently in the process of editing the third installment in Wolverine's solo series, and some "stuff" will drop within the next week. He wouldn't go into detail regarding the nature of that "stuff," so we will have to keep speculating. At this point, anything could drop next week. Given the fact that the film is currently slated to hit theaters in early 2017, a teaser trailer doesn't seem entirely outside the realm of possibility.

Of all the superhero movies slated to hit theaters within the next year, Wolverine 3 is arguably the one most shrouded in mystery. Rumors have swirled about the film for quite some time, but nothing has been confirmed. We know that the movie will feature an older version of Logan (although we don't know if it will be a direct adaptation of Old Man Logan), and it was reported early on in the film's development that Hugh Jackman and James Mangold were shooting for an R-rating with the clawed X-Man's final outing. Whether or not any of this actually happens remains to be seen.

Getting Wolverine's final adventure right is a big deal for 20th Century Fox. With the Gambit solo movie firmly stuck in development hell, the X-Men franchise only has Deadpool left to support the entire universe outside of the larger team movies. With Jackman about to retire from the series, the studio needs to ensure that they not only send him off properly, but also find a new character and a new franchise to fill the void he will leave behind. That's no easy feat.

We will bring you all of the latest and greatest news pertaining the Wolverine 3 (as well as the rest of the X-Men universe) as more information becomes available to us. Make sure to keep an eye out for some awesome developments some time within the next week. Wolverine 3 will hit theaters on March 3, 2017. Stay tuned for more details!

Conner Schwerdtfeger

Originally from Connecticut, Conner grew up in San Diego and graduated from Chapman University in 2014. He now lives in Los Angeles working in and around the entertainment industry and can mostly be found binging horror movies and chugging coffee.