At this point we've seen a few iterations of Spider-Man's costume on film. Each new reboot tries to bring something new to the table, like Amazing Spider-Man 2 sticking as close to the comic book look as possible. Spider-Man's suit in Captain America: Civil War saw some changes and upgrades that felt more in vibe with Steve Ditko's days drawing of the character, and Spider-Man: Homecoming will be taking that even further. Spidey will be getting something he's never had on film before: his classic web "wings" (or pits depending on who you talk to).
Today was the Spider-Man: Homecoming panel at CCPX, a comics convention in Brazil, and the lucky attendees were treated to the first footage of the highly anticipated film. Though more like a teaser for the soon to be released full trailer, people were still excited over what they saw. Ryan Penagos aka Agent M from Marvel, was there to witness the footage and shared his reaction on Twitter. The big takeaway seems to be that Spider-Man will have his classic web wings, which are essentially just webs underneath his arms.
Spider-Man's web wings have been with the character since his very first issue back in 1962. Drawn by Steve Ditko, the webs have no function whatsoever and are purely there as an aesthetic choice. While the webs are a staple from the earliest days of Peter Parker, it is one of the only design elements from his costume that has been abandoned. Sometimes the web wings make a comeback depending on the artist, but Spidey has largely gone web pit-less for several years. Still, their inclusion in Homecoming will no doubt excite Spider-Man diehards.
The webs are just a few of the classic Spider-Man aesthetics being brought to live action. Spider-Man's eyes are classic Ditko (smaller white with bolder black outline) as well as the spider symbols on his back and front. Combine that with the spider signal seen in the end credits scene of Civil War, and you've got a Spidey that oozes his classic sixties feel.
The above-mentioned teaser has not yet been released online, but rumor has it that it might be arriving very soon. Until then you'll have to be content to wait until the trailer is released in full with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on December 16. Spider-Man: Homecoming will make its own premiere on July 7, 2017.
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Matt has lived in New Jersey his entire life, but commutes every day to New York City. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple.