How Carrie Fisher Is Doing In The Hospital, According To Mother Debbie Reynolds

2016 has been a doozy of a year, with a seemingly endless parade of celebrity deaths and tragedies occurring over the past twelve months. And this year's Christmas holiday proved to be no exception, as we saw the unfortunate passing of singer and activist George Michael, and Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher was hospitalized just before the holiday. Fisher suffered a heart attack mid-air while traveling, and was rushed to the hospital upon landing in Los Angeles. Since then, we've seen the Star Wars community and Fisher's many admirers take to social media to voice their support for the actress. And now her mother, the legendary Debbie Reynolds, has taken to social media to update us on her daughter's condition.

It looks like we may all collectively breath a sigh of relief, as Carrie Fisher has remained stable over the holiday. Per Debbie Reynolds' personal Twitter page, we will apparently be updated if anything were to change regarding Fisher's condition.

Carrie Fisher's sudden hospitalization essentially broke the internet, as the writer and actress has such a plethora of adoring fans. A Hollywood icon, Fisher's role as Leia Organa in the Star Wars franchise has been adored for decades, bringing generations together for their mutual love for the galaxy far, far away... and a sensible hair bun. In addition to the droves of Star Wars fans, prominent members of Hollywood took to social media to voice their concern and support for Carrie Fisher.

The state of Carrie Fisher's health also has the potential to majorly affect the Star Wars franchise as a whole. While we don't know how large her role will be in Episode VIII and beyond, Leia is the most iconic and beloved female character in the universe. With The Force Awakens having set up the characters and reality of the new trilogy, many fans expected General Leia to become a more integral part of the story. But now Fisher's health is the priority, and it should be interesting to see how the films work around her recovery, and whether or not she had wrapped Episode VIII.

We here at CinemaBlend are keeping Carrie Fisher in our thoughts, and hoping that the resilient and hilarious Hollywood icon will have a speedy recovery.

Corey Chichizola
Movies Editor

Corey was born and raised in New Jersey. Graduated with degrees theater and literature from Ramapo College of New Jersey. After working in administrative theater for a year in New York, he started as the Weekend Editor at CinemaBlend. He's since been able to work himself up to reviews, phoners, and press junkets-- and is now able to appear on camera with some of his favorite actors... just not as he would have predicted as a kid. He's particularly proud of covering horror franchises like Scream and Halloween, as well as movie musicals like West Side Story. Favorite interviews include Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, Jamie Lee Curtis, and more.