One Huge Advantage King Arthur Got From Being Delayed, According To Guy Ritchie

It has taken a little bit longer than expected for King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword to actually hit cinemas. Originally touted for a July 2016 release date, it was at first pushed back to February 2017, then March, and finally the studio decided it would hit cinemas in May. But this delay was actually a blessing for the film, because it gave the visual effects team even more time to work its magic, and now director Guy Ritchie has insisted that King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword is all the better for this opportunity. When asked about the changes to King Arthur during this additional 10 months of production, Guy Ritchie recently explained,
The only advantage of that is that we more or less had an extra year to fart around with the visual effects. Because trying to find a weekend [for release] was almost impossible. So we had to wait until this slot. And that allowed us to tinker with the visual effects for another year. So the advantage is is that the visual effects, there's an extra year's work has gone in there. If I say so myself, I mean it has nothing to do with me, they're so much better because of it.
Just in case any of you are wondering, "fart around" is a very English way of saying "playing with." Clearly I must have brought this informal Blighty language out of Guy Ritchie, as he made the above remarks to myself when I sat down to discuss King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword with the Lock, Stock, And Two Smoking Barrels filmmaker in New York City earlier this month. Rather than being overly perturbed by the repeated delays to King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword, though, Guy Ritchie pragmatically detailed why Warner Bros. had no other option but to wait for a summer month to present itself instead.
There was plenty for the visual effects team to do on King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword during this time, though, as the film features all sorts of mythical beasts and characters, and effects were undoubtedly used to enhance the period setting, too. You can check out some of the cool-looking effects from the film in the trailer for King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword or you can also watch a snippet of my interview with Guy Ritchie below, too.
King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword will be released into cinemas on May 12, and you can read my review of the fantasy epic here. Make sure you head back to CinemaBlend over the next few days for further news and stories regarding King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword, which emerged from my discussions with co-writer and director Guy Ritchie and its star Charlie Hunnam.
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