Why Oscar Isaac Loved Working With Carrie Fisher On The Last Jedi

The death of Carrie Fisher back in December left Star Wars fans across the world in tatters. Things are only going to get more emotional in the build-up to the release of The Last Jedi later this year. But her co-star Oscar Isaac has now reminded us that, while we should rightfully mourn, we should also remember and savor the of positives Carrie Fisher brought into the world, too. Having worked with her on both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, Oscar Isaac had plenty of positive memories of the actress. During a recent interview, Oscar Isaac detailed exactly why he loved working with Carrie Fisher, saying:
She was by far the quickest-witted, funniest, most down-to-earth, real human beings as I ever had the opportunity of working with and she does amazing work in this. It was definitely a heartbreaker.
While Oscar Isaac only shared a couple of scenes with Carrie Fisher in The Force Awakens, most notably when the Rebels planned out their attack on the Starkiller Base, the duo clearly became close friends during production. Isaac has spoken glowingly of the beloved actress, comedian, writer, novelist, and all round delight at every opportunity, something that everyone associated with the Star Wars franchise has done. Additionally, their social media accounts both lit up with images of the pair playing around during production. Which are now just adorable and beautiful to look at.
Oscar Isaac recalled working with Carrie Fisher on The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi during his recent appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. He also teased that he has plenty of scenes opposite the actress in the upcoming film, and admitted that he was repeatedly slapped by Carrie Fisher for one particular moment. You can watch Stephen Colbert and Oscar Isaac's exchange on The Late Show below.
If that discussion doesn't get you excited for the upcoming blockbuster, you can really whet your appetite for Star Wars: The Last Jedi by watching its trailer below. If that doesn't do it for you then you're on your own.
Simply superb. Star Wars: The Last Jedi will finally be released on December 15. If you're not interested in the eighth installment to the Skywalker saga, then you should check out CinemaBlend's full movie schedule for 2017 for further tips on what's coming out over the next few months.
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