To 3D Or Not To 3D - Buy The Right Transformers: The Last Knight Ticket

In order to absorb a Michael Bay film in all of its glory, you really need to see it on the biggest screen possible. Especially when it comes to the Transformers franchise. Michael Bay is so entwined with the robots in disguise that, even though he has repeatedly insisted he is leaving the series, he has always been convinced to return for one more effort. The Last Knight is his fifth Transformers film, and once again Michael Bay is insisting that this is his last time overseeing the antics of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, et al.
Just in case he really means it this time audiences will want to make sure that they watch Transformers: The Last Knight in the grandest and most captivating manner available. But does that mean seeing it in 3D? Well, in order to find out we have to ask the age old question of whether To 3D Or Not To 3D? You can read CinemaBlend's normal Transformers: The Last Knight review on the site. But if you want to know whether to splurge on 3D, you can take a gander below.
With its abundance of huge action set-pieces, robots transforming and then going to battle, and Michael Bay at the helm, Transformers: The Last Knight was always going to be ripe for the 3D treatment. But, at the same time, because of Michael Bay's speedy direction, and the sheer size and maneuvers of the Transformers themselves, there was always a good chance that the film could cause some strife to its viewers, too. But does The Last Knight manage to tow this line in a successful manner? Read on to find out.
There's no denying the fact that Michael Bay and his team of 3D aficionados worked long and hard on incorporating 3D into The Last Knight. Specific shots are clearly designed to fully exacerbate the 3D, and its use of both Beyond and, especially, Before The Window is exemplary. The 3D does dwindle, but for the opening half of the film, it is as full-on and over-the-top as you'd expect from Michael Bay. And that's thoroughly meant to be a compliment.
There was always going to be plenty of opportunities for Michael Bay to fling various items at his audience, as it is well known that the director loves an explosion. Films of this ilk don't always take advantage of these opportunities, though. Thankfully, Transformers: The Last Knight does, and you get to see all kinds of implements and debris propelled out of the screen right towards your face. On a regular basis, too. Each time it occurs you're pulled closer and closer into the action sequences, and it makes The Last Knight even more bombastic.
While not quite as noticeable as the Before The Window, the Beyond The Window is ever-present throughout The Last Knight. This use of depth of field helps to increase the spectacle of the blockbuster, giving viewers a better look at its vast array of action sequences, which seemingly stretch as far as the eye can see. There's also one scene in particular, which sees Optimus Prime floating through space, that's especially sumptuous to watch. Then, when Michael Bay places the camera just right, the depth of field also helps to make the Transformers, Mark Wahlberg, and the rest of the humans look cool as funk, too. Like I said, it is not quite as noticeable as the Beyond The Window, but it is just as effective.
Like each of its predecessors, Transformers: The Last Knight isn't the brightest of films. There's plenty of grey, especially when it comes to the robots, while its action scenes take place in various dark settings, ranging from medieval times to underwater. But in amidst this darkness, The Last Knight is able to find some color, and as such the red and blue of Optimus Prime, the yellow of Bumblebee, and even Mark Wahlberg's tan all pop at points, and prove rather irresistible to the eye.
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While you're usually encouraged to keep your glasses on when you're watching a 3D film, taking them off actually gives you an idea of how much effort has gone into incorporating the technology. The more blur the better, and during the height of Transformers: The Last Knight's action sequences, if you quickly peer above the rim of your glasses you'll see plenty of layers of 3D. Sometimes the image is nowhere near as blurred, making it look just like a 2D effort. However, that's only in dialogue heavy scenes, and when it matters the film's 3D delivers.
Transformers: The Last Knight really does deserve a hearty pat on the back for its mass amount of 3D. But at the same time my original fears that watching it through the spectrum of a Michael Bay film could lead to illness sadly proved to be right. At times, I suffered from eye-strain, so much so that I felt the need to take a rest and close them, while, come the end of the film, I even felt a little bit nauseous. But, considering that Michael Bay doesn't do things by halves, it feels about right that he has somehow turned watching Transformers: The Last Knight into such a rollicking experience that, after watching it, you feel like you have been on a rollercoaster.
Yes. While it is undoubtedly a rocky ride from time to time, there are so many bodacious 3D shots from Michael Bay in Transformers: The Last Knight that die-hard fans of the franchise should spend those few extra dollars to see it in its prime. Maybe take a sick bag, though, just in case it gets a little bit too much for you.
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