Avengers: Infinity War will tell a sprawling cosmic epic, with some characters guaranteed to leave the relative safety of Earth to confront Thanos. We know from the Infinity War trailer that some characters do, in fact, get to go to another planet, which leaves us wondering how much of Infinity War will be spent on Earth vs other cosmic settings. CinemaBlend was a part of the Marvel Press Line at San Diego Comic-Con and we asked director Joe Russo how much of the film was set on Earth. Here was his answer:
A good amount. It's a lot of different narratives driving towards each other. A lot of different characters, so you have to tell a lot of story. And it's a good mix between space and Earth.
It sounds like Avengers: Infinity War will be splitting its time pretty evenly between Earth and other planets. Infinity War is going to be a massive story with lots of moving parts and characters. It stands to reason that not every single one of these characters needs to leave Earth all at once, so while some go to other planets and get their teeth kicked in by Thanos, others will stay behind and hold the fort down. It's exciting to think of all the new environments we'll be seeing in the movie and it only reminds us of how massive the scope is for this movie.
Avengers: Infinity War will feature the largest cast of any MCU film to date and maybe even any film ever. There's said to be a scene that has almost 30 characters at once! Anthony and Joe Russo have the huge job of trying to keep all of that balanced while delivering a satisfying experience for viewers. The exclusive trailer shown at D23 and Comic-Con sounds like it'll be delivering hard on that front, but we will have to hold out and see if the story and character arcs are also worth the time. Joe Russo's comments about splitting their time does a lot to prove that they know what they're doing.
Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, Avengers: Infinity War will follow up on 10 years worth of build-up as Thanos, the intergalactic conqueror, and his Black Order finally set their sights on Earth in order to assemble the Infinity Gauntlet. Once all the Infinity Stones are gathered, Thanos will have the power to essentially do anything and it's up to the combined power of the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy and other heroes to stop him.
Avengers: Infinity War is set to hit theaters on May 4, 2018. To learn more about the incredibly anticipated film, check out everything we know so far about Avengers: Infinity War.
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Matt has lived in New Jersey his entire life, but commutes every day to New York City. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple.