Star Wars' Mark Hamill Is Still Trying To Debunk The 'False' Luke And 'Carrie' Rumor

Mark Hamill Luke Carrie Fisher Leia laughing Star Wars Lucasfilm

I'm pretty sure Mark Hamill's Twitter account only exists at this point to 1) debunk Star Wars rumors, 2) explain behind-the-scenes Star Wars trivia, 3) troll Star Wars fans with nonsense, 4) troll non-Star Wars fans with nonsense, 5) post political stuff.

I'm chiefly interested in the first two, and Mark Hamill weighed in once again on a Star Wars rumor that he called a #FalseStory.

It's tied to a scene in the first Star Wars movie, after Luke destroys the Death Star and is congratulated by fellow Rebels. When he hugs Princess Leia, what does he say? Over the years, many fans have passed on the story that he accidentally says "Carrie" -- calling Leia by actress Carrie Fisher's real name -- in a movie mistake.

Mark Hamill responded to a fan who brought up the scene again. The fan thought Luke was just making an "excited shriek" (I agree) and not saying "Carrie!" per Star Wars myth. You can almost hear Hamill's deep sigh as he tweeted his explanation on what he really said:

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Mark Hamill has been trying to debunk this one for a long time, at least since 2015 and probably a long time before that as well:

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Interesting that he says Luke said "There she..." when the lines were dubbed. It sounds to me like a shriek. Definitely not "Carrie" but also not "There she..." Maybe this is the new Star Wars version of The Dress debate. What do you hear in the video clip below?

Yeah, I don't hear "Carrie" or "There she..." but I wasn't there. I trust Mark Hamill's word on this, even more than the idea that George Lucas wouldn't let a mistake in. (What about that poor Stormtrooper who hit his head?)

I love hearing old Star Wars stories, especially when they connect to Carrie Fisher. Mark Hamill has talked multiple times about the silly fight they always got into when it came to Luke's royal status. (He doesn't have any.) He also jokes about Luke and Leia maybe getting a bit too close for characters who would later be revealed as twins.

Most recently, Daisy Ridley got in on the game to add her own Carrie Fisher story, with Fisher dropping an f-bomb (of course!) during that hug scene shown in the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker trailer.

Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker is returning in The Rise of Skywalker, despite Luke dying in The Last Jedi, through the "peculiar" mythology particular to Star Wars. (Hamill also played another role in The Last Jedi, and really went the extra mile for it.)

General Leia Organa is still alive in the Star Wars galaxy ahead of Episode IX, but sadly we lost Carrie Fisher in 2016. We will still get to see Leia in The Rise of Skywalker through previously unused footage. It doesn't sound like we'll be getting a Luke/Leia/Han reunion, though, and Mark Hamill will probably always bring that up as a missed opportunity.

Luke and Leia will return to the big screen, one last time, in Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker, which opens in theaters Friday, December 20.

Gina Carbone

Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.