10 Details From Spider-Man: Far From Home You May Have Missed

With an expansive cinematic universe that's 23 movies deep so far, not to mention several other blockbusters and streaming shows currently in the works, there are certainly a lot of comic book references, subtle winks and copious callbacks swimming throughout the newest additions to this superhero franchise. This summer's Spider-Man: Far From Home is no exception.
Jon Watts' sequel has no shortage of easter eggs spotted throughout his film. While you have probably caught more than a few of them already, especially if you're an eagled eyed fan, let's take this time to point out a few of our favorites scattered throughout Spider-Man: Far From Home. Be sure to pay extra close attention to these the next time you watch the film.
Uncle Ben Is On Hand For Peter Parker
As it has been noted in the past, Uncle Ben is curiously absent from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The guardian character wasn't mentioned (or even referenced explicitly) in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and there wasn't any mention of the belated mentor figure in Marvel's sequel either. But if you paid close attention to Peter Parker's suitcase, you have what appears to be one of the first direct references to the departed (or, at least, seemingly departed) character inside this expansive cinematic universe.
The initials "B.F.P." are can be seen on the side, which indicates that the case once belonged to Benjamin Franklin Parker, i.e. "Uncle Ben." It could just be a coincidence, but it seems more likely that Peter is keeping Uncle Ben close.
An Important Day For Spider-Man
When Peter Parker's passport is shown for a brief second, some audience members might pay no mind to Peter Parker's birthday, which is listed as "10 August." If you didn't know better, you might think that's simply a random date to choose.
But Spider-Man super fans know that August 10th, 1962 is an important day in Spider-Man's existence. Specifically, it's when Spider-Man first appeared on the printed pages. The character's comic book origins mirrors Peter Parker's birthday in here, which is a respectable tip of the hat from the filmmakers to the inception of the monumental character.
Historical Documents In The World Of Marvel
Through the connective tissue of Marvel Cinematic Universe, the events that happen in, say, Captain America: Civil War, are known throughout the world. We saw this when the students in Spider-Man: Homecoming were taught about the events that happened in The Avengers, and we see that the importance of these events are taught and explored in the universe's cinema.
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Specifically, when Peter Parker and his friends are on the plane flying to Europe, they have a collection of documentaries available that reflect the lives of some of this universe's most notable characters. Specifically, the plane has films like The Snap, Hunting Hydra, Finding Wakanda, and Nova: Einstein Rosen Bridges with Dr. Erik Selvig on hand, which Peter notices while browsing the selection. It makes you wonder what the MCU's equivalents to Werner Herzog, Errol Morris and Alex Gibney are making professionally.
Crusher Hogan Is Hanging Around
During his early days, Peter Parker tested his powers in the wrestling ring against his opponent, Crusher Hogan. Moviegoers might know him best for his scene in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man (though he was renamed Bonesaw McGraw and was played by the late "Macho Man" Randy Savage), but the character hasn't been seen or referenced in any subsequent movie about the super-heroic web-shooter since then.
But when it came time for Spider-Man: Far From Home to swing into theaters, some viewers were quick to notice a poster hanging in the background that prominently featured the professional wrestler. And in a cheeky little touch, it's seen behind Happy Hogan, the former assistant of Tony Stark (no relation). Clearly, someone was having fun.
Mysterio Was Incognito
It's not until the end of the first act of Spider-Man: Far From Home when Peter Parker and Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) meet formally. But for those who kept an eye on the background, you might've noticed that Quentin Beck had his eye on Peter well before their formal introduction. During the Venice scene, when Peter Parker is watching MJ have her picture taken with Brad Davis (Remy Hii), there is a man in a bright blue Hawaiian shirt who is, shall we say, more conventionally handsome than your average extra.
That's because he's actually none other than Quentin Beck himself incognito, which suggests that the character was scoping out Peter Parker well before the two of them met. You probably didn't catch it the first time, so look out for during the re-watch.
Mysterio Isn't From Our Timeline... Or So He Says
When Mysterio and Spider-Man first officially meet, the former mentions that he's not from the Earth that these characters know. Mysterio claims that instead of being from Earth 616, which is where the MCU takes place, he's from a multiverse known as Earth 833. Both of those numbers should ring familiar to comic book fans.
Not only does Earth-616 refer to the main continuity that Marvel Comics stories take place in, but 833 is an exact reference to where Spider-Man UK is from, which serves as a fun little nod for those in the know. Obviously all this turns out to be a whole bunch of hooey once we learn of Mysterio's real origins, but they're fun winks all the same!
A Memorable Kiss For Peter Parker And MJ
There is a lot of dramatic tension between Peter Parker and MJ during their 'will they, won't they' on-screen relationship in Spider-Man: Far From Home. We know from the comics and Sam Raimi's trilogy that they'll end up together, but this movie likes to keep the audience in suspense. Nevertheless, it is in this movie where MJ and Peter share their first kiss.
If you paid attention to the background of this scene, you might have noticed a curious detail. One of the license plates on the cars reads TASM 143. The initials obvious stand for "The Amazing Spider-Man," and 143 represents the comic book where the original Mary Jane and Peter Parker shared their first smooch together. It's an extremely subtle detail, but one that's a nice sign of respect.
Peter Parker Is Back In Black
When Peter Parker is building a new Spidey suit for his impending battle with Mysterio, Happy Hogan puts on a familiar song: "Back in Black" by AC/DC. For fans of the MCU, this is a not-so-subtle callback to the origins of the expansive movie franchise.
Specifically, during the opening scene of 2008's Iron Man, directed by none other than Jon Favreau himself, we're introduced to Tony Stark through the rockin' music of AC/DC. Fittingly enough, this is the song that Happy chooses to play when the late Tony Stark's protege is making his own suit with his high-tech equipment.
The Avengers Are Memorialized
As Spider-Man is seen swinging throughout New York City, you might notice that there is a prominent statue located squarely in the heart of the city. If you pause to get a good look at it, you'll see that it's actually a memorial for The Battle in New York, when The Avengers saved the day from a bunch of no-good planet invaders led by Loki.
The Avengers saved the world and they got a statue to commemorate all their good deeds. After all, it takes some super-heroic individuals to save the day, and it'd only be fitting if these mighty heroes got a big statue to celebrate their bravery.
1... 2... 3... 4?
It's only a matter of time before the Fantastic Four get acquainted with the rest of the MCU. But if this background hint is accurate, we might've gotten our first tease about Fantastic Four's arrival. As Spider-Man is seen swinging throughout New York City, there is a sign in the background that has the numbers "1... 2... 3... ?" prominently seen.
Now, this could be nothing, but some folks believe that it's a subtle tease for the Fantastic Four's arrival. Especially since the color of the numbers seems to correspond with a respective Fantastic Four member, and the text underneath reads, "We're so excited to show you what comes next!" If that's the case, that's an odd-but-cheeky way to let fans know that the superhero group will soon storm in.
Truthfully, these are only a few of the hidden details and surprise easter eggs scattered throughout Spider-Man: Far From Home. Like many other Marvel movies, there are dozens to be found, and we have only discovered a mere handful throughout this latest blockbuster.
But we're sure that you have spotted a few during your own consecutive viewings. So be sure to let is know about some of your favorite hidden surprises in the comments. Because we're certain that there are quite a few fun little asides, background gags, cool details and delightful appearances that even our eagle eyes didn't catch, and it'd be good to know what we (and the fellow readers) should look out for next time we pop Spider-Man: Far From Home in for a spin.
Tom Holland's Spider-Man will return to the big screen on July 16, 2021, and he's also set to appear in a separate, yet-to-be-revealed MCU movie. Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for continuing coverage.
Will is an entertainment writer based in Pittsburgh, PA. His writing can also be found in The Playlist, Cut Print Film, We Got This Covered, The Young Folks, Slate and other outlets. He also co-hosts the weekly film/TV podcast Cinemaholics with Jon Negroni and he likes to think he's a professional Garfield enthusiast.