All The Ways Fans Can Support Alita: Battle Angel During Quarantine

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While the world at large has scaled back in terms of outdoor activities, that doesn’t mean the efforts to support both Alita: Battle Angel and its potential sequel need to stop. As any good army will tell you, you need to adapt and overcome circumstances such as the ones the COVID-19 pandemic have provided. In the interests of supporting the ever vigilant Alita Army, I’m about to point out some ways to support our favorite cyborg, right from your own home.
It’s an especially easy task considering just how much of these efforts raising awareness for an Alita: Battle Angel sequel have already taken place online. But since nothing as extreme as renting a plane to fly a banner high in the sky can happen, the options are going to have to be pretty creative.
This is the Alita Army though, and creativity has always run through the veins of their actions. So without further delay, let’s take a look at the ways fans can keep pushing for Alita: Battle Angel saga to return to the big screen.
Stream/Rent Alita: Battle Angel
This first one might be pretty easy, but it’s always been a tried and true effort when it comes to supporting any fan favorite like Alita: Battle Angel. With the movie already on home video and streaming for a couple months now, it’s easier than ever to relive that first trip to Iron City.
It’s at this point that either renting the film or streaming it through the right channels would come in handy. Alita: Battle Angel is still on HBO’s streaming platforms, as well as currently running in the rotation on the more traditional cable channel.
If you don’t happen to be a premium cable subscriber, then you could still rent the film digitally through most rental platforms, such as Prime Video, iTunes or Vudu. No matter which way you experience it, the digital experience is out there for you to enjoy for a sitting or two while locked up.
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Buy/Send A Copy Of Alita: Battle Angel
If you’re really a fan of Alita: Battle Angel, you may or may not have a copy of director Robert Rodriguez’s film on the various formats that the film is available on. In which case, you might want to take this time to buy yourself a copy of the film on Digital HD, or a physical media copy on 4K UHD, Blu-ray and/or DVD.
If you’re lucky enough, you might be able to find special variants out there, like the limited edition that comes with its own artbook included, or a Steelbook version. More than likely, you already have your own copy of Alita: Battle Angel, in which case you’re covered and cleared to enjoy to your heart’s content!
However, you might know a sci-fi fan or a movie buff that needs to see the light for themselves. In that scenario, the best course of action may be to surprise someone with their own copy for the cause. Not only will you be able to discuss the movie afterwards, but you can always dive into the bonus features with your newly drafted Alita Army friends!
Read The Alita: Battle Angel Tie-In Novels
The special features on Alita: Battle Angel go a long way towards drawing the world of the film in greater detail, as well as going into the behind-the-scenes details that make it such a fantastic movie. However, that’s obviously only the beginning of what this particular universe offers everyone who’s interested in the story that’s being offered.
Which leads to your online shopping cart getting a little fuller, as there are three books you should be checking out. First, there’s the official movie novelization that’s written by prolific sci-fi author Pat Cadigan, which may or may not have further details from the original script that didn’t make it into the finished film. At the very least, it’s another version of the story you already love.
However, two more books are available that run through materials that supplement that of Alita: Battle Angel’s story. The first is another Cadigan-penned book, and the official prequel novel, Iron City, which focuses on Dr. Ido, Hugo and Vector’s lives before Alita is revived in the film's events. The last book you should consider (besides the official art book, of course) is Dr. Ido’s Journal, which gives personal insight into the thoughts of Christoph Waltz’s character, as well as the world that he lives in.
Read The Original Manga Battle Angel Alita
Look, we don’t know how long this quarantine is going to last, and there’s only so many times you can watch Alita: Battle Angel. So reading’s really going to be your friend in this time of need, and novels are only so long. Which means it’s time to break out the big guns, or rather, the big Gunnm.
Though Yukito Kishiro’s original manga was retitled to Battle Angel Alita, it’s still the same version that first inspired producer James Cameron to start the long road that eventually wound to Alita: Battle Angel theatrical release in 2019. You can either pick the series up in its collection of trade paperbacks, or spring for a deluxe box set with the first series.
If you’re hungry for more, there’s two other stories you should out for: Battle Angel Alita: Last Order and Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle, which are listed in the order you should be reading them. With those three collections, you’ll have the entire picture of Alita’s past, present and future squirreled away for your own personal knowledge.
Keep Tweeting About That Potential Alita: Battle Angel Sequel
The final suggestion that can be made in order to keep the fires burning in the great engine moving us towards a potential Alita: Battle Angel sequel is, of course, tweeting! Even Twitter Movies has gotten in on the action, throwing some love to the Alita Army in a recent message.
So it’s only fair that the legions of the Alita Army continue to get the word out on any developments, retrospectives, or even just ways to keep fighting the good fight through the platform that’s proved so useful in the past. Producer Jon Landau wants the voices of the Alita: Battle Angel faithful to be heard, and it’s an effective way to keep the world spinning in the meantime.
It’s all fair game, so long as you’re tweeting something positive and constructive. If there’s going to be any movement on the further adventures of this planned trilogy, it’s not going to be through flame wars. Digital diplomacy is the key, and no one should ever forget that.
The quarantine sucks, but it’s a little less horrible when Alita: Battle Angel presents so many opportunities to be enjoyed and discussed while we’re all waiting for the world to open up again. So get out there, do your part and let the world know that the Alita Army still stands tall, even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, ready to give the world a hopeful distraction from these difficult times.
Alita: Battle Angel is available on Digital HD, 4K UHD, Blu-ray, and DVD; as well as being streamed and shown on HBO’s various content platforms.
Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.