Lady Gaga’s Dog Walker Gives Update From The Hospital While Recovering

Last week, dog walker Ryan Fischer was out doing his job walking Lady Gaga’s three French Bulldogs. What was a routine occurrence became a fight for his life, as Fischer was shot by a still-unknown assailant in order to steal two of the three dogs from his possession. Thankfully, Gustave and Koji, the dognapped parties, were recovered late last week, and Ryan Fischer has provided an update on his condition as he recovers in the hospital.
Giving the public a full recounting of the harrowing event, Ryan Fischer provided this information through his personal Instagram. As he goes over both the shooting itself, and his recent path to recovering from his injuries, Fischer’s dedication to his job, as well has himself, is readily apparent. In the first part of his two-post update, Ryan Fischer described his shooting, and the ensuing dognapping, as follows:
4 days ago, while a car sped away and blood poured from my gun shot wound, an angel trotted over and laid next to me. My panicked screams calmed as I looked at her, even though it registered that the blood pooling around her tiny body was my own. I cradled Asia as best I could, thanked her for all the incredible adventures we’d been on together, apologized that I couldn’t defend her brothers, and then resolved that I would still try to save them… and myself.
The incident, which occurred just as Lady Gaga is filming Gucci in Rome, has been a huge story with an even larger reward that hung in the balance. $500,000 was offered by Gaga herself for a “no questions asked” return of Gustave and Koji, while Asia was safe and sound. It was a night that also sent shockwaves through the dog-walking community in Hollywood, especially considering it had happened to such a high profile figure in the world of pop culture.
This ranged from arming and training walkers to defend themselves, to shifting schedules so that no nighttime walks would be taken. Meanwhile, Ryan Fischer’s condition was an intense curiosity to those following the story, as there was a lot of uncertainty surrounding his exact situation. While the attention to Lady Gaga and her dogs is important to the reporting of this scenario, there were those who wanted to be sure to include Fischer’s story into the full picture. Which is why reading the next post’s contents is something that everyone should be happy to be able to do:
I am still in recovery from a very close call with death and have kept myself (for the most part, I mean I am human) from the growing media story. I will write and say more later, but the gratitude for all the love I feel from around this planet is immense and intense. I felt your healing support! Thank you. I am humbled and grateful that attention and focus from the police were enough to get Koji and Gustav back to safety, and I know they are committed to bringing these criminals and attempted murderers to justice. I am so appreciative of everything you continue to do.
As the investigation is ongoing, the only missing piece to this story is who carried out these heinous crimes, and what their punishment will eventually be. So in addition to update to Ryan Fischer’s recovery effort, this story surrounding the Lady Gaga petnapping drama will still be highly visible for some time. But at least Gustave and Koji have been reunited with their sibling Asia, and Fischer is in high spirits; which is a resolution that at least wraps up the important pieces of this entire mystery.
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Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.