Wait, There Were More DMs Between Chris Evans And Lizzo After She Shot Her Shot?

There’s a trend on TikTok where people tell the story of how a celebrity has them blocked on social media, but thankfully that’s not the case for Lizzo and Chris Evans. True, most drunken texts to celebrities are probably met with a big ol’ block, but apparently Chris Evans is much more gracious...at least when it comes to Lizzo. We knew Evans responded after Lizzo shot her shot at him while drunk, but apparently there’s now even more to the DM conversation between the two, and we’re so here for it.
While we know TikTok queen Lizzo has her options open, it seems like she’s got her sights on Chris Evans even more now that they’re having a full on conversation in Evan’s DMs. Recently Lizzo posted an update to the ongoing Evans situation to her TikTok that briefly flashes a screenshot of the two celebrities’ conversation. Check it out:
Jokes on you, Lizzo, my pause game is on point. If you’re not quite as skilled, I’ll lay it out for you. Basically, Lizzo tells Chris Evans that even though she unsent her original message, she’s glad Evans responded and knows she exists now. Evan responds by saying he already knew who she was and is actually a big fan.
The rest of the conversation in the screenshot is (strategically?) covered by Lizzo’s face, but it seems like her and Chris Evans are having a pleasant conversation, and it looks like it may be about the show Lizzo has coming up. Although we can’t really tell what all is being said, it looks like the conversation continues past the screenshot as well.
While it seems like the two are just having a friendly conversation, a girl can hope that new headlines of “Chris Evans and Lizzo Engaged” are in our future...and I’m sure Lizzo has her fingers crossed as well. I mean honestly the two may be from different industries and have two different personalities, but opposites do attract and stranger things have happened.
Listen, the road to Chris Evan’s heart is found by following his dog. Lizzo’s half way there, as she also has a dog. He loves dogs, she loves dogs, it’s perfect. Together, they can buy an island and fill it with foster dogs who can roam free and play together. Their match would truly be one made in dog heaven.
While we may not know if this dog mom and dad have plans of meeting up and making a go of it, one can hope. Based off of their continued communications, it doesn’t seem completely out of the question. Sounds like Lizzo needs to just keep being her delightful self.
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Constantly thinking about books, coffee, and the existential dread I feel from Bo Burnham’s Inside. While writing I’m also raising a chaotic toddler, who may or may not have picked up personality traits from watching one too many episodes of Trailer Park Boys.