Michael B. Jordan Shares ‘Milestone’ Photo From The Space Jam: A New Legacy Set

Spoilers from the brand new Space Jam movie can be found in this story, so if you haven't caught it yet, keep that in mind.
If you’ve seen the recent Space Jam: A New Legacy, which is currently the number one movie at the box office, then you’ll know that there is one joke in particular that pretty much steals the entire movie that involves Michael B. Jordan. Well, the audience is not the only people who love that brief cameo. In fact, Michael B. Jordan himself recently shared a “milestone” photo from the Space Jam: A New Legacy set to celebrate the hilarious moment in the movie.
In the film, the Tune Squad is down by several points by the Goon Squad, and everything feels pretty hopeless. But that’s when Sylvester says that he has a secret weapon during halftime. Michael Jordan’s famous entrance music plays, and Daffy starts rattling off facts about the legendary basketball player, only for the reveal to be that it’s actually Michael B. Jordan (Emphasis on the B.) and not his Airness. Michael B. Jordan hams it up in the scene, and in a recent photo on his Instagram page, he shows just how proud he is of his presence in the movie.
I think this is really cool. Being a fan of the original Space Jam I wasn’t head over heels in love with everything about this new movie, and neither, apparently were the critics (Or even the original film’s director, for that matter). That said, even I had to say, “What!? No!” before laughing when this moment happened. And then I had to explain who Michael B. Jordan was to my kids, since that joke went way over their heads.
In fact, a lot of the jokes from the film went way over their heads. There are references galore in this film, and my kids had no idea what The Matrix was, or why Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner are in some strange, post-Apocalyptic world (He’s in a reference to Mad Max: Fury Road, you see). In that way, Space Jam: A New Legacy often feels like it’s more for adults than for kids, and I had to keep explaining where this joke comes from, or where that joke comes from for almost the entire movie.
I’m just glad that I had the opportunity to watch it on HBO Max, because otherwise, I would have had to spend the whole movie with my ear bent down to my kids’ lips at the movie theater trying to explain all the references that are thrown in here. That’s not to say that my kids didn’t like the movie. In fact, my kids wanted to watch it a second time, and I was the hesitant one since I wasn’t the biggest fan of the film. My kids have since now seen it two more times, and they just skip past all the scenes that they find boring.
Yet, one scene that I constantly make sure they don’t skip through is the Michael B. Jordan moment, because hey, even I find that part funny. But what did you think? Did you like that Michael B. Jordan cameo? Sound off in the poll below!
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Rich is a Jersey boy, through and through. He graduated from Rutgers University (Go, R.U.!), and thinks the Garden State is the best state in the country. That said, he’ll take Chicago Deep Dish pizza over a New York slice any day of the week. Don’t hate. When he’s not watching his two kids, he’s usually working on a novel, watching vintage movies, or reading some obscure book.