Scarlett Johansson Reflects On Originally Losing The Black Widow Role And Her Feeling On The MCU 10 Years Later
Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow has been a major fixture in the MCU ever since she debuted back in Iron Man 2. Yet for a time, there was a chance that we may have gotten somebody else to fill in the character’s famous black boots. Scarlett Johansson recently reflected on originally losing the Black Widow role and how she feels about the MCU 10 years later.
It’s interesting to note there were reportedly multiple actresses who were considered for the role before Scarlett Johansson eventually landed the part, including Emily Blunt, who has talked about turning down the role in the past. In a recent interview with BBC Radio 1, Johansson discussed what actually happened in regards to her own casting and had the following to say:
It's pretty crazy to think that Scarlett Johansson wasn’t the first choice for the role of Black Widow, since she was perfect as the character. Regardless, this has actually happened plenty of times in movies. Eric Stoltz was originally going to play Marty McFly in Back to the Future over Michael J. Fox. And multiple actors were considered for Han Solo before Harrison Ford ultimately landed the role.
Still, when I think of Black Widow, I honestly could not see anybody else in the role other than Scarlett Johansson, just like I could never see anybody else as Tony Stark but Robert Downey Jr. Florence Pugh might eventually take on the mantle of Black Widow in the future, and I loved her in this solo project. But it’s going to be hard for me to mentally disassociate the words “Black Widow” and “Scarlett Johansson." At least for a little while anyway.
Scarlett Johansson herself looks to have moved on from the role, though. In the same interview, she had this to say of her time in the MCU:
It sure has, both for the actress as well as for the fans. But what are your feelings on the actress no longer being in the MCU? Scarlett Johansson actually starred as the character in 8 different movies. Which one of them was your personal favorite performance of hers? Sound off in the poll below!
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Rich is a Jersey boy, through and through. He graduated from Rutgers University (Go, R.U.!), and thinks the Garden State is the best state in the country. That said, he’ll take Chicago Deep Dish pizza over a New York slice any day of the week. Don’t hate. When he’s not watching his two kids, he’s usually working on a novel, watching vintage movies, or reading some obscure book.