Pornhub Played Another April Fool's Day Joke On Users

When you have a website called Pornhub, you don't expect things to be serious. Nor should you. The porn-friendly site is known for its wicked sense of humor -- along with its X-rated contents, of course -- and the site played another classic prank on April Fool's Day. On Sunday, Pornhub changed its name to Hornhub, in an effort to appeal to its "horny" patrons. Videos were altered to "Tattooed Alt Babe Grabs Life By the Horns" and "Honk Me Like One of Your French Girls." The site is pretty cheeky -- in more ways than one, natch -- and their newest April Fool's Day prank is one of their silliest yet.
The site unveiled its new SFW focus during Easter, which also coincided with April 1. On Twitter, users were quick to screenshot several different altered videos littered on "Hornhub."
While not everyone is a fan of the prank-friendly holiday, for obvious reasons, many users couldn't help but crack up at Pornhub's latest ruse for April Fool's.
These altered videos give a whole new meaning to the word "blowjob." It's apparent that the team behind Pornhub was very inspired in their ideas.
Despite the obvious intentions of the day, however, it seems not everyone might've been in on the joke. Though it's hard to tell.
The joke was teased on Saturday, March 31st. The official Twitter account for Pornhub posted a seemingly-normal question, with users unaware that it was promising some unexpected innuendo in the day to come.
While most people seemed pretty tickled by Pornhub's response to the prankster holiday, not everyone was wild about Pornhub's debauchery.
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Nevertheless, it appears that "Hornhub" was mostly a success, at least based on the responses seen yesterday and today.
This newest prank continues Pornhub's history with April Fool's Day shenanigans. Though last year's prank was decidedly a lot crueler. Last year, Pornhub teased its millions of users by claiming that the site's porn searches were no longer going to be private. That gave quite a few people mini heart attacks last year. Of course, Pornhub was quick to note that people's searches were encrypted and always kept private, thus assuring user's safety in using the site.
This new prank is also not the only way Pornhub is appealing to its fans. Just last week, it was announced that Pornhub was giving free premium access to users who lived in dirty-sounding towns. Residents in cities like Rectum, Netherlands, Dildo, Newfoundland, Balls Creek, Nova Scotia, Tit, Adrar, and Cumming, Georgia --among many, many others -- could finally rejoice. That goes to show you how much fun Pornhub likes to have, both on April Fool's Day and every other day of the year. We'll let you know what shenanigans go on next year.
Will is an entertainment writer based in Pittsburgh, PA. His writing can also be found in The Playlist, Cut Print Film, We Got This Covered, The Young Folks, Slate and other outlets. He also co-hosts the weekly film/TV podcast Cinemaholics with Jon Negroni and he likes to think he's a professional Garfield enthusiast.

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