Snooki Explains Why She Doesn't Post Photos With Her Husband

Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi Jersey Shore: Family Vacation

We're used to seeing Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi in the media. The Jersey Shore personality is rarely far from the cameras. But it's not often that you see any photographs of her husband, Jionni LaValle, particularly by his famous wife's side. As it turns out, there's a reason for that. But it doesn't mean the couple has marriage problems. Rather, LaValle isn't a big fan of being seen in the media spotlight, even though he's married to a famous reality TV star.

I feel like if I don't post pictures of Jionni or he doesn't post pictures with me, it's like we have marital issues and it's not even the case. Jionni just wants nothing to do with the spotlight and I'm like, 'Babe, when you marry me, sometimes we got to take pictures together.' He's like, 'Nah, I'm good.' I feel like, when people don't see us together in pictures, it's like, 'OK, something must be wrong.'

As Snooki explained in an exclusive interview with Us Magazine, there is no reason for concern when it comes to their marital status. Just because they aren't always posing in front of the camera doesn't mean they are less-than-affectionate for one another or less-than-excited about each other's company. Rather, Jionni LaValle just values his privacy and he doesn't want to be at the center of attention when it comes to the media's gaze. That's certainly understandable, although as Snooki admits, it's hard to avoid the cameras when you are married to a famous reality television personality. But they try to make it work.

So I think if I don't take pictures with him or I don't share my life with him, people are like, 'Are you still with your husband?' I don't need to share with the world what me and my husband are going through. We are totally fine. We don't post our life on social media, but I love him to death and he's my best friend and he's just a little shy so leave him alone.

Ultimately, everyone is entitled to some privacy. And while Snooki is an open person, especially on Jersey Shore and its spin-off series, Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, there are some things that are best kept between the parties involved. Even though Jionni LaValle and Nicole Polizzi don't always find themselves posing in front of the cameras together, they're still deeply in love with each other, according to Snooki. And they hope that doesn't change.

In any case, people love rumors and there were some fans of the show wondering if there was drama brewing between Snooki and her husband. It's safe to say that drama is something that often comes between Jersey Shore personalities and their respective lovers, but this time, it sounds like there is nothing to concern yourself about when it comes to their marriage. They are happy, but they are keeping their love to themselves and for themselves.

Additionally, Snooki is pregnant at the moment. So, it sounds like the family is set to grow and will likely be receiving even more attention than usual. Expect one of the spouses to like that attention more than the other.

Will Ashton

Will is an entertainment writer based in Pittsburgh, PA. His writing can also be found in The Playlist, Cut Print Film, We Got This Covered, The Young Folks, Slate and other outlets. He also co-hosts the weekly film/TV podcast Cinemaholics with Jon Negroni and he likes to think he's a professional Garfield enthusiast.