Scarlett Johansson Awesomely Defends The Nude Photos Sent To Ryan Reynolds

The recent series of celebrity nude photo leaks tends to follow the same pattern: a nude cameraphone shot of a given pretty starlet is leaked online, everybody talks about it, the starlet's silence is essentially confirmation that it really is her, and then the FBI doubles down their efforts to find the scumbag who did it. None of the photo subjects, be they Blake Lively or Mila Kunis or Jessica Alba, typically own up to having documented themselves naked on their phones, and when the FBi made an arrest in October it seemed the whole thing could blow over, with no pretty girls ever forced to admit they would dare show off their naked bodies.
Well, Scarlett Johansson doesn't see it that way. In an interview with Vanity Fair she doesn't just talk about the nude photos, but completely defends her right to have taken them. It's a short quote, but completely packed with awesome. Check it out:
“I know my best angles. They were sent to my husband. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not like I was shooting a porno… Although there’s nothing wrong with that either.”
Her husband, of course, was Ryan Reynolds, whom she divorced a few months before the photos were leaked. Basically, in this quote Johansson admits to a lot of things that might make other people might stick their heads in the sand-- divorce, nude photos, pride in her body-- and dares you to call her on it. But how could you? Say what you will about her acting chops or ability to play any role that isn't just another variation on her character in Lost in Translation, but this is a girl who clearly can't be beaten down or shamed by a puritanical society rushing to judge her. She knows she'll be objectified and ogled and considered only for her looks, so why not own them?
There is presumably a much longer interview with Johansson to come in December's Vanity Fair, all part of the promotion of her Christmastime release We Bought A Zoo, so here's hoping there's lots more awesome coming down the pike.
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