Operation Kino Podcast #34: In Time Reviewed And Halloween Movies Discussed

This week on Operation Kino, we don't have enough time to pay the bus fare, so we're sticking around to review the new Andrew Niccol thriller In Time, then moving on to a segment three discussion of Halloween and the kinds of movies we find scary. Before that, though, we kick things off with a lightning round devoted to Shakespeare adaptations (or were they written by Shakespeare at all? who knows!), then move on to tidbits, where Da7e is worried about the old Muppeteers being unhappy with the new version of The Muppets, David wants you all to see The Rum Diary, Patches has a few words to say about the new indie Natural Selection, and Katey wishes anybody would watch Bored to Death, because it's great. We end, as always, with your lightning round answers for dessert.

Take a listen below and find your downloading options; for more from all of us, you can follow the show (@opkino), Da7e (@da7e), David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner), Patches (@misterpatches) and me (@kateyrich) on Twitter.

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00:00-00:41 Lightning Round

01:08 - 26:08 Introductions and Tidbits

26:39 - 38:53 In Time reviewed

39:31 - 59:00 Halloween and scary movies discussed

59:00 - 1:05:48 Dessert!

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