‘Everyone Was Worried Sick For George’: Francis Ford Coppola Recalls Seeing An Early Cut Of George Lucas’ Star Wars And Explains Why It Was So ‘Terrible’

Han with a Stormtrooper suit on in A New Hope
(Image credit: Lucasfilm)

There are popular franchises, and then there's Star Wars. Generations grew up on the galaxy far far away, seeing projects in theaters and streaming with a Disney+ subscription. While the Star Wars movies have inspired countless projects that followed, the franchise's success wasn't always a guarantee. Case in point: Francis Ford Coppola recalled seeing an early cut of George LucasA New Hope and explains why it was so "terrible."

While fans are looking forward to the upcoming Star Wars movies and TV shows, information about the original trilogy is still coming out. A New Hope was a game changer for the industry, but there were some concerns. Steven Spielberg has been open about his worries, and now the great Francis Ford Coppola has also spoken out. During an interview with Josh Horowitz on Happy Sad Confused, the Godfather icon shared what was happening with Lucas and Star Wars before the first movie hit theaters. As he put it:

We all saw it together. I think Steven [Spielberg] was there. It was terrible. Everyone was worried sick for George. … The problem was it wasn’t all — the effects were all old World War II movies with Japanese bomber planes, and there was no music. A movie needs a certain level of finish to let the illusion start to work, and it didn’t have them. But we were worried for him.

There you have it. Much of the magic of Star Wars comes in the post-production phase, where visual effects, music, and sound design transport us into the beloved galaxy. And when those bells and whistles weren't working in tandem when folks like Coppola and Spielberg saw an early version of A New Hope.

The feelings of concern from George Lucas' peers makes a great deal of sense when you consider the context of A New Hope's release. Not only did the movie introduce the world to that galaxy far, far away, but it also featured cutting edge visual effects. And when the elements weren't completed, who knows how wild the movie looked?

Trying to imagine Star Wars without music is definitely a struggle. The legendary John Williams famously wrote the beloved score of George Lucas' movie, which adds a sense of scale, magic, and stakes to the world. So who can blame Francis Ford Coppola and Steven Spielberg for not immediately falling in love with A New Hope?

In the end, we all know how things ultimately worked out. A New Hope became a huge hit, kickstarting a franchise that would extend across movies, TV, theme parks, and more. The concerns about the movie might seem silly now, but it's fun to hear the BTS process of the film. And besides, sometimes you have to tell your friends the truth... even if it's George Lucas.

The Star Wars franchise is streaming on Disney+. Be sure to check the 2025 movie release dates to plan your trips to the theater in the New Year.

Corey Chichizola
Movies Editor

Corey was born and raised in New Jersey. Graduated with degrees theater and literature from Ramapo College of New Jersey. After working in administrative theater for a year in New York, he started as the Weekend Editor at CinemaBlend. He's since been able to work himself up to reviews, phoners, and press junkets-- and is now able to appear on camera with some of his favorite actors... just not as he would have predicted as a kid. He's particularly proud of covering horror franchises like Scream and Halloween, as well as movie musicals like West Side Story. Favorite interviews include Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, Jamie Lee Curtis, and more.