Ron Howard Opens Up About The Future Of Solo 2
Is there still hope for this Star Wars Story?

Despite the pedigree of Solo: A Star Wars Story, specifically the growing pains that Ron Howard’s film went through behind the scenes, the midquel has attracted a healthy fanbase. While the director has moved on to new movie releases like Thirteen Lives, there are Star Wars junkies that still want to see the continuing adventures that made this scruffy looking nerf herder the dashing rogue we know and love. The noise is so great in fact that Howard himself has opened up about the possibility of Solo 2 happening.
Unfortunately, that update isn’t as hopeful as some would like, as this is what Ron Howard told NME in a recent interview:
The only discussion that I’m aware of about a sequel for Solo is coming from the fans at this point. I don’t think it’s a Lucasfilm priority, as I understand it.
Let's just address the bummer in the room right out of the gate: Solo 2 doesn't look any closer to happening. In fact, the most hopeful update in these remarks is that Ron Howard, and presumably Lucasfilm Ltd., are still very much aware of the fan push to get this story back off the ground.
This isn’t even the first time that the legendary director has interacted with this continued fan demand. Even in the earlier days of the #MakeSolo2Happen campaign, Howard cheered on fans with simple messages of encouragement. Looking at the variety of films and series on the roster of upcoming Star Wars projects, it’s kind of surprising that Solo 2 is something people have latched onto.
Then again, everyone has their reasons for wanting Solo: A Star Wars Story to lead to further installments with Alden Ehrenreich’s incarnation at the forefront. Fan pitches for Solo 2 have ranged from seeing more of Donald Glover’s Lando to hoping that the story teased with Emilia Clarke’s Qi’ra, and that shocking reveal at the end of the first film, will eventually be fulfilled.
Meanwhile, co-writer Jon Kasdan wants to give Ehrenreich a chance to fully embrace the Han Solo character, since his origin story is officially out of the way. All of this promise is something that Ron Howard sees as well, and that leads to the more hopeful part of this update. Further elaborating on his feelings towards Solo: A Star Wars Story, Howard chipped in these optimistic hopes for the future:
But there’s some great characters launched, and the folks from Lucasfilm love the fans and really do listen so I would never say never – but I’m not aware of any concrete plans right now to extend the story or deal with that particular set of characters.
A sequel for Solo: A Star Wars Story sits pretty much in the same position that the potential follow-up to Alita: Battle Angel currently occupies. Fan interest seems high if the internet is any indication, and the talent involved, including Ron Howard, seems game to return to that world. All that really has to happen in either of those scenarios is for a studio greenlight to come through, ushering in another chapter of crowd-pleasing sci-fi adventure.
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This means that you Star Wars fans gunning for more Solo adventures need something to pass the time with. Luckily, a Disney+ subscription lets you enjoy that entire galaxy far, far away, in animated and live-action variants. And, of course, you can rewatch Solo: A Star Wars Story through that very same platform, which is the reason for the season considering the story you've just read.
Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.