32 Times A Star Wars Side Character Steps Up Big
They rose to the occasion.

As one makes their way through the Star Wars movies in order and the accompanying TV shows, it’s easy to lose track of all the ways in which lead characters like Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin and Ahsoka Tano, to name just a few, shine. But what about the side characters? What about the supporting players who get opportunities to step up big in a galaxy far, far away? Well, we’re here to go over a handful of such examples, although one important note, this list will only be covering the live-action Star Wars movies and TV shows.
Shmi Skywalker Allowed Anakin To Go With Qui-Gon
Shmi Skywalker could have refused Qui-Gon Jinn’s request to take Anakin away from Tatooine and be trained as a Jedi. However, she knew her son was destined for a life better being a slave, so she made the heartbreaking choice of letting him go. It’s just unfortunate that this decision led to the rise of the Empire and the destruction of the Jedi Order.
Carson Teva And Trapper Wolf Saved Din Djarin And Grogu
Din Djarin, Grogu and the Frog Lady would have been eaten by the spiders on that ice planet had New Republic pilots Carson Teva and Trapper Wolf not intervened. The two used the blaster rifles they carried aboard their X-Wings to kill the creatures. However, they weren’t feeling generous enough to help Djarin fix up the Razor Crest, as they’d already decided to drop the arrest warrant placed on him.
Clone Trooper Destroyed The Crab Droid
Unlike every other entry on this list, here we have a nameless character, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve recognition. During the Battle of Utapau, this clone trooper managed to get up close and kill one of the Separatist’s crab droids, which is hard enough for multiple clones to accomplish on a normal day. Then mere seconds later, this clone managed to destroy another one from afar.
Kino Loy Ignited Narkina 5 The Prison Uprising
After realizing that none of the prisoners on Narkina 5 would ever be freed, Kino Loy agreed to help Cassian Andor with instigating a breakout. After them and their allies made their way to the facility’s intercom system, Kino inspired the rest of the prisoners to rise up and escape. It was an inspiring moment tinged with tragedy since Kino couldn’t escape with everyone else since he couldn’t swim.
R2-D2 Smuggled The Death Star Plans Off The Tantive IV
When it became clear that Princess Leia wouldn’t be able to deliver the plans to the first Death Star to the Rebel Alliance, she entrusted R2-D2 with the plans, as well as a message for Obi-Wan Kenobi, so that Darth Vader wouldn’t obtain them. It paid off, as the astromech droid and C-3PO were able to flee from the captured Tantive IV on an escape pod, landed on Tatooine and eventually found Obi-Wan.
C-3PO Bailed Out Hera Syndulla On Behalf Of Leia
Hera Syndulla disobeyed orders when she traveled to Seatos with a squad of New Republic fighters to help out Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren. As a result, she was in danger of being court-martialed, but C-3PO arrived to bail her out of this situation to pass along “evidence” from Leia Organa that Hera was following her orders. The golden protocol droid’s timing could have used a little work, but better late than never.
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Jar Jar Binks Advocated For The Chancellor Emergency Powers
Ok yeah, in hindsight this move spelled the beginning of the end for the Republic. However, if Jar Jar Binks hadn’t given that speech in favor of giving Chancellor Palpatine emergency powers, then the clone army would never have been into action and the Republic would have been overwhelmed by the Separatists. So in the short term, this was arguably a good move.
Migs Mayfeld Killed Valin Hess
Granted, this wasn’t the most strategically sound move considering that Migs Mayfield and Din Djarin were undercover at the Imperial facility on Morak to learn where Moff Gideo’s ship was. However, when Hess started bragging about the thousands that were killed during Operation Cinder, Migs had enough and shot his former superior. This action showed us how traumatized that conflicts left him.
Lando Calrissian Rescued Leia, Chewbacca And C-3PO
Although Lando Calrissian’s betrayal of Han Solo came from a place of wanting to protect his operation on Bespin, his lingering guilt coupled with Darth Vader continuing to change the conditions of their deal made him realize he’d made a mistake. So with the help of his security force, Lando rescued Leia, Chewbacca and C-3PO from the Imperials, though they were unfortunately too late to stop Boba Fett from taking the carbonite-frozen Han away.
Boba Fett Jumped Into Action On Tython
Before he took the lead in The Book of Boba Fett, Boba was a supporting character in The Mandalorian Season 2, and one of his best moments in the entire franchise came when he retrieved his armor from the Razor Crest on Tython. Mere moments after suiting back up for the first time in years, Boba wiped the floor with the stormtroopers in his vicinity.
Arvel Crynyd Flew Into The Super Star Destroyer
You may not know his name, but if you’ve seen Return of the Jedi, then you’re familiar with the Rebel pilot who brought down a Super Star Destroyer at the cost of his own life. After the Executor’s bridge deflector shield was destroyed, Arvel Crynyd steered his critically injured A-wing into a kamikaze run into the bridge, resulting in the ship colliding with the second Death Star.
Maarva Andor Inspires Rebellion With Her Posthumous Message
Maarva Andor spent her last days opposing the Imperial occupation on Ferrix, but even in death, she was able to inspire the masses. During her funeral ceremony, a hologram recording was played where she urged the people of Ferrix to rise up against the Empire. So what started out as an event to honor Maarva ended as a riot against this tyrannical force.
Paige Tico Opened The Bomb Hatch
During the evacuation of D’Qar, Poe Dameron organized an assault on a First Order Dreadnought that led to many Resistance casualties. This might have been a complete failure had Paige Tico not opened the hatch to drop her ship’s proton bombs onto the enemy vessel. Sadly, with the rest of her crew dead and their bomber badly damaged, there was no way for Paige to escape getting caught in the fire that engulfed the Dreadnought.
Bo-Katan Kryze Saved Din Djarin
Din Djarin was overwhelmed by some Alamites when he was exploring Mandalore to see if it was inhabitable. Luckily for him, Grogu was able to escape and make his way back to Kalevala, who was able to infer from the little guy that something was wrong. She went back to Mandalore and saved Din from his captors, which inadvertently paved the way for her getting the Darksaber again.
Wedge And Janson Took Down The AT-AT
Once Rogue Squadron learned that the AT-ATs’ armor was too strong for the snow speeders’ blasters during the Battle of Hoth, Luke Skywalker ordered his fellow pilots to use their harpoons and tow cables to bring these walkers down. The only duo that manages to accomplish this (at least onscreen) is Wedge Antilles and Wes Janson, who also fortunately both survive the conflict.
Tala Sacrifices Herself To Save The Path Refugees
When Darth Vader, Reva and their stormtrooper squad arrived at the Hidden Path facility on Jabiim, it didn’t take long for bodies to stop dropping. However, a lot more of these dissidents would have died had Tala Durith not sacrificed herself by detonating a thermal detonator as the Empire’s soldiers surrounded her. This explosive distraction allowed many of her allies to successfully flee the planet.
Sabé Served As Queen Amidala’s Decoy
For a decent chunk of The Phantom Menace, the Queen Amidala presented before the audience and characters like Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi isn’t the real deal, but rather the handmaiden known as Sabé (a role Keira Knightley can’t remember playing). She put her life on the line to keep Naboo’s ruler free from harm at key moments in Episode I, and her decoy act paid off one last time when it fooled Nute Gunray, allowing Padmé to take him captive.
IG-11 Self-Destructed To Save The Group
IG-11 started out wanting to kill the being known then as just The Child, but by the end of The Mandalorian Season 1, the droid sacrificed himself to save the little guy and those in his orbit. Grogu, Din, Cara Dune and Greef Karga were nearly ambushed by stormtroopers ready to open fire on the lava ferry they were aboard, but IG-11 went ahead and self-destructed himself to remove those adversaries from their path.
Galen Erso Hid A Weakness In The First Death Star
Galen Erso was one of the key architects in the construction of the first Death Star, but he also proved to be the catalyst of its destruction. Galen was the one who hid the exhaust port weakness inside the space station. If he hadn’t committed this act of secret defiance, one which ultimately cost him his life, then the Empire would have later wiped out Yavin IV and, with time, the entirety of the Rebellion.
Paz Vizsla Bought Time For His Fellow Mandalorians
Paz Vizsla spent most of his screen time clashing with Din Djarin, painting him in a somewhat antagonistic light. But as The Mandalorian Season 3 was wrapping up, the warrior died in a very sympathetic light, as he stayed behind to buy some time for his fellow Mandalorians by fighting off Moff Gideon’s Praetorians Guards on his own.
Yoda Rescued Obi-Wan Kenobi And Anakin Skywalker
In Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker weren’t strong enough to defeat Count Dooku on Geonosis. Fortunately, Yoda showed up moments later and he dueled his former apprentice (which made for one of the franchise’s best lightsaber battles) and probably would have won if given more time. The only reason Dooku managed to escape was because he tried to crush Anakin and Obi-Wan with some rubble, prompting Yoda to focus on saving them.
Kelleran Beq Saved Grogu
Up until The Mandalorian episode “The Founding,” we had no idea who Grogu, who’s approximately 50 years old, was able to escape the Jedi Purge. That episode finally provided the answer, as Kelleran Beq, the same character whom Ahmed Best played in Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, got him out of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during Order 66 and arranged for him to be taken off planet by members of Naboo’s Armed Forces.
Amilyn Holdo Made A Suicide Attack
Amilyn Hold ordered that the Resistance abandon their larger ships on smaller transport vessels when the First Order was pursuing them in The Last Jedi. However, because DJ learned about this plan and tipped off General Hux, each transport was picked off one by one. The only reason they all weren’t destroyed was because Holdo rammed her ship at hyperspace speed into Snoke’s flagship, a move that would come to be called the Holdo Maneuver.
Fennec Shand Killed The Sarlacc
After Boba Fett and Fennec Shand stole back the Slave I from what was once Jabba the Hutt’s palace, they embarked to the Sarlacc Pit to see if they could retrieve Boba’s armor. Well, needless to say that the creature did not like its personal space being invaded by the ship, but Fennec was able to save their lives by just barely triggering a seismic charge to drop in its mouth.
K-2SO Saved Jyn Erso And Cassian Andor
K-2SO was originally an Imperial enforcer droid, so it's fittingly ironic that he was destroyed while helping carry out one of the Rebellion's most important missions. The reprogrammed droid fought off stormtroopers and sacrificed himself so that Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor would have extra time to find the Death Star plans.
Jacen Syndulla Helped Rescue Ahsoka Tano
Like his father, Kanan Jarrus, before him, Jacen Syndulla is pretty Force sensitive. This was demonstrated when he was able to not only sense that Ahsoka Tano was still alive on Seatos, but direct the rescue party to her location once she was out of the World Between Worlds. Without him, it’s likely Hera and the others wouldn’t have been able to find her.
BB-8 Saved Finn And Rose Tico
After Snoke’s flagship was destroyed by Amilyn Holdo, chaos was rampant in the area where Finn, Rose and the other survivors were located. The Resistance protagonists tried to make a run for it, but they were soon cornered by Phasma and her remaining stormtroopers. Luckily, BB-8 commandeered a nearby walker and provided them with some cover fire.
Cobb Vanth Refused To Help Cad Bane
When Cad Bane showed up in Freetown to demand that the town remain neutral in Boba Fett’s upcoming war with the Pyke Syndicate, Cobb Vanth could have easily caved to his demand. However, with Boba being one of his allies, Cobb refused to bend and was gunned down in a standoff with a blue-skinned bounty hunter. Fortunately, he was later shown being healed in Boba’s bacta tank.
Chirrut Îmwe Activated The Communications Switch
During the mission to secure the Death Star plans from Scarif, the blind warrior Chirrut Îmwe pulled off a feat that few with eyesight would likely have been able to accomplish. Despite blaster bolts flying at him from every which way, Chirrut was able to find his way to a nearby console and activate the master switch that established communication with the Rebel fleet. Unfortunately, he was killed moments later.
Jecki Lon Engaged The Stranger Alone
As a Padawan, there was really no way that Jecki Lon was going to win in her lightsaber duel against The Stranger, a.k.a. Qimir, during The Acolyte. Still, the fact that she stayed alive as long as she did, held her own and even managed to damage his helmet before being sliced down was incredible.
General Hux Saved Finn, Poe And Chewbacca
Sometimes hate can forge unlikely alliances. Jealous and bitter at how he was being treated by Kylo Ren and Allegiant General Pryde, General Hux became a spy for the Resistance has part of an effort to undermine Ren and become the new Supreme Leader. Eventually he blew his cover to help Finn, Poe and Chewbacca escape the Star Destroyer they were on, and while Hux later tried to tell a cover story to preserve his position in The First Order, Pryde saw through the lie and shot him.
The Armorer Compromises To Unite All Mandalorians
As the leader of the Mandalorian sect known as The Children of the Watch, The Armorer promotes the ancient ways of Mandalore, particularly not removing their helmets in front of others, which mainstream Mandalorian culture has long since abandoned. However, in order to reunite all surviving Mandalorians under Bo-Katan Kryze, who’d inherited the Darksaber, The Armorer was willing to ally herself with those who didn’t fully align with her group’s beliefs, as evidenced when she interacted Bo-Katan to take her helmet off.
Connoisseur of Marvel, DC, Star Wars, John Wick, MonsterVerse and Doctor Who lore, Adam is a Senior Content Producer at CinemaBlend. He started working for the site back in late 2014 writing exclusively comic book movie and TV-related articles, and along with branching out into other genres, he also made the jump to editing. Along with his writing and editing duties, as well as interviewing creative talent from time to time, he also oversees the assignment of movie-related features. He graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Journalism, and he’s been sourced numerous times on Wikipedia. He's aware he looks like Harry Potter and Clark Kent.