After The Rings Of Power, Amazon Has A New Sci-Fi Show Fans Are Raving About

The 2022 TV schedule has certainly offered some surprises, and a couple of the largest stunners have come from Amazon and its Prime Video platform. As if it wasn’t enough to blow fans away and leave the world intensely questioning Season 2 of The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power, and what it might deliver, another project seems to be hitting it off with those who love sci-fi. Just four episodes into The Peripheral, people are already raving about it online.

Its pedigree almost demands this sort of support when you really think about it. The Prime Video series The Peripheral takes cyberpunk author William Gibson’s novel of the same name and pairs it with Westworld creators Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan already sounds like it’d be a success. It looks like the series has lived up to that promise so far, especially when inspiring such Twitter reactions as this with its mere premiere:

So what’s The Peripheral all about? Well, the short short version goes as follows: Flynne (Chloë Moretz Grace) and Burton Fisher (Jack Reynor) are beta-testing what they think is merely a premium VR rig. It succeeds in that respect, but it also connects the two to London 70 years in the future. Oh, and there’s apparently an apocalypse coming that could redefine the world as we know it. This is definitely a show from the team behind Westworld

What’s even more exciting is that The Peripheral looks to already inspire people to binge the available episodes to catch up. As episode 4, cryptically titled “Jackpot,” premiered last week, another new convert praised the series with this confession that they’d seemingly mainlined all four in a row: 

Reading that Joy and Nolan have struck dystopian gold yet again almost makes up for Westworld’s surprise cancellation. While it might not get the HBO series its proper conclusion, it’s at least comforting to know that the Joy/Nolan mind trust is still up to its old tricks. This definitely seems to be the case, thanks to this next reaction that hints at The Peripheral living up to the early days of its spiritual predecessor:

Believe it or not, The Peripheral is about halfway through its first season run, as it seems to have an eight-episode order. This has people like Twitter user “_NIKIWE__” fired up to get people on board, in hopes of making sure this story gets to continue its intended lifespan through discussions like this:

I feel like The Peripheral is not being hyped enough, they really went all out with technology they use here. Have yall ever imagined a mind body communication gadgets? This scientific fiction has shown us another side of leveled up tech. Thank you @PrimeVideoZA.

Ultimately The Peripheral could be a pretty important series to Amazon's future in the entertainment game. As Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy’s Fallout series is also a part of Prime Video’s stable of future delights, how this project delivers might play into that show’s fate as well. If this last reaction is anything to go by, Amazon should be really happy with what they’ve put into play:

The buzz is promising, but ultimately it's up to you the viewer to decide if The Peripheral is all it's cracked up to be. If you're a streaming fan that needs a new show to test the waters with, Season 1 is currently making its way through its eight-episode run. A Prime Video subscription is all you’ll need to catch up on this latest mind-bender, and with weekly debuts for new episodes each Thursday/Friday at 9PM PT / 12AM ET respectively, it’ll be easy to get current. 

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.