'At The Most Inappropriate Places': Alleged Baby Reindeer Stalker Now Accused Of Following UK Politician Years Before Richard Gadd Drama

Jessica Gunning as Baby Reindeer
(Image credit: Netflix)

After Richard Gadd’s Baby Reindeer became available for those with a Netflix subscription, it has become a runaway hit, even earning a place among the most viewed debuts for a TV series alongside other big shows like Wednesday, Stranger Things, and Bridgerton. However, in recent weeks, the alleged real woman the series is about has come out of the woodwork to seek millions from Netflix for making incorrect claims about her. The latest development involves a Scottish politician alleging that the woman is his own former stalker. 

When George Galloway came on Piers Morgan Uncensored on Wednesday, the former member of the UK’s parliament shared that he recognized Fiona Muir-Harvey during her appearance on Morgan’s show last month from when she apparently stalked him starting in the late 1980s, shortly after he was elected as the MP for Glasgow Hillhead for the Labour Party. In his words: 

Suddenly I find this obsessive woman in my midst, and everywhere I turned she was there. And, at first I thought that she fancied me, but it turned out that she fancied my job. And so, she was a relentless and physical, up-close-and-personal stalker of mine. And I’m ready to testify to that.

Galloway claims that she was “forever” on his case and would often appear at his office. As he continued: 

She called me hundreds of times and she showed up probably hundreds of times in the most inappropriate places.

The politician alleged that Muir-Harvey never threatened him, but he was afraid her “obsessive” nature would “harm” him. Galloway explained that she was “just in my life when I didn’t want her to be” before saying that he had seen her last in the early 1990s prior to just recently. He saw her again on Morgan’s show in the same seat he was sitting in as he made his allegations. 

Baby Reindeer was created by and stars Richard Gadd, who plays a bartender named Donny Dunn, who begins to be stalked by a woman named Martha in person and online and the character’s male sexual abuser. As the first episode suggests, it’s apparently “a true story” The show has quickly become one of the best shows on Netflix, even gaining praise from Stephen King who called it “one of the best things” he’d “ever” seen in an article he wrote for The London Times.

Fiona Muir-Harvey is currently seeking $170 million from Netflix for damages regarding the series, particularly for the show’s claims she had been to prison for stalking. The lawsuit is being filed following Gadd asking fans to not seek out the identity of the stalker in the TV show. 

Following Galloway’s allegations, we’ll have to see how the Baby Reindeer controversy and legal action goes forward. For now, all the limited series’ episodes are now streaming. 

Sarah El-Mahmoud
Staff Writer

Sarah El-Mahmoud has been with CinemaBlend since 2018 after graduating from Cal State Fullerton with a degree in Journalism. In college, she was the Managing Editor of the award-winning college paper, The Daily Titan, where she specialized in writing/editing long-form features, profiles and arts & entertainment coverage, including her first run-in with movie reporting, with a phone interview with Guillermo del Toro for Best Picture winner, The Shape of Water. Now she's into covering YA television and movies, and plenty of horror. Word webslinger. All her writing should be read in Sarah Connor’s Terminator 2 voice over.