David Tennant's Good Omens Gets Huge Season 3 Update That Is Extremely Disappointing For Az And Crowley Stans

Crowley and Aziraphale standing back to back in poster for Good Omens Season 2
(Image credit: Prime Video)

Good Omens fans were already bummed to learn that one of the best comedies streaming on Prime would be ending after three seasons, though I guess we were already lucky for it to have lasted longer than just a single outing. But now even that sense of anticipation has been shattered by the latest update: Good Omens Season 3 isn't technically happening anymore, and the show is wrapping up in a totally different way at some point in the 2025 TV premiere schedule.

Let's take a closer look at what's been reported about the book-to-TV adaptation below, including the latest on creator Neil Gaiman.

Good Omens Will Conclude With A One-Off Finale

Rather than having a variety of episodes to expand their fan-beloved relationship, David Tennant's demon Crowley and Michael Sheen's angel Aziraphale are only getting a single installment to clear up any lingering issues so that they can hopefully spend the rest of eternity together as a far more adorable version of The Odd Couple. That installment will be a 90-minute TV movie, according to Deadline.

While exact dates are yet to be announced, plans are now set in place for Tennant, Sheen, and the rest of the ensemble cast to return to this fantastical universe to film the feature-length finale in Scotland in early 2025.

Neil Gaiman Has Officially Exited The Series Following Allegations

Novel co-writer and now-former showrunner Neil Gaiman has officially stepped down from his various roles behind the scenes of Good Omens, and will not have an active role in the production of the finale movie. At this time, he will likely be credited with writing some of the finale, but will no longer have any input on the final product.

A new writer will reportedly be brought in to finalize the script, but it doesn't appear as if any deals have been made yet. It's also unclear if another production company will be brought in, as Gaiman's The Blank Corporation is also no longer involved.

Production on what would have been a third season was set to kick off earlier in 2024, but was delayed after two women accused him of sexual assault via a multi-part podcast series from Tortoise Media. One claims he assaulted her in New Zealand in February 2022 while she was working as his nanny, and the other says in 2003, he forced her to have rough sex that she didn't want, while engaged in an otherwise consensual relationship. Two additional women subsequently came forward with their own claims.

This Good Omens decision comes a month after Gaiman, who has denied the allegations made against him, offered to step back from his creative role in the show. And it happened just over a year after former co-showrunner and executive producer Douglas Mackinnon, who also directed, exited the series.

Crowley And Aziraphale Deserve More Than Just A 90-Minute Sendoff

While I can 100% understand and support the moves made to sideline Neil Gaiman in the midst of troublesome allegations, and I also understand that he was a major piece of Good Omens' creative backbone, I feel like the show could have still continued for a full multi-episode arc with someone else steering the ship. Even if only to chop out any excess plotting in order to focus entirely on getting Crowley and Aziraphale to a comfortable and shared place.

I'd imagine that it would take at least 90 minutes of storytelling to follow up on the pair parting ways in the Season 2 finale, with Az being tasked with helping bring about the Second Coming. Which is already going to likely be a huge high-stakes story that will require lots of moving parts and angels and demons and so on, without being able to devote nearly enough time to their adorbs relationship.

We can only hope that the revised creative team figures out a way to clear up the Second Coming business in 25 minutes or so, with the last hour filled with snarky witticisms and playful bickering. And obviously smooches galore.

Good Omens Seasons 1 and 2 are available to stream in full with an Amazon Prime subscription.

Nick Venable
Assistant Managing Editor

Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper.  Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.