Engagement Rumors Have Already Rolled Around For Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce, But What Do The Odds Say?

Travis Kelce #87 of the Kansas City Chiefs (L) celebrates with Taylor Swift after defeating the Baltimore Ravens in the AFC Championship Game at M&T Bank Stadium on January 28, 2024
(Image credit: Patrick Smith/Getty Images)

With the NFL currently between seasons, and the Eras Tour in the midst of a hiatus, pop culture’s most headline-friendly relationship between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce hasn’t been quite as in everyone’s faces as it was when 2024 began. Which doesn’t mean that fans have stopped paying attention, of course, with even Zac Efron chiming in. One part of the couple’s rumor mill following has already been fixated on the likelihood of the superstar pair getting engaged in the relatively near future. So you can bet your sweet bippy that there are also already gambling odds dedicated to that “Will they or won’t they?” concept. 

Though many fans would presumably love to hear the news that Travis Kelce proposed to Taylor Swift (or the other way around) as this sentence was being read, the couple isn’t quite that far down the relationship timeline. But the way the oddsmakers over at NoDeposit.Guide see it, the Super Bowl champ and the Grammy queen are destined to start planning for what would assumedly be a star-studded nuptials extravaganza, with the idea that the engagement will take place before 2024 has concluded.

More specifically, the relationship expert in question, Ian Harper, posits that a late summer or early fall window would be the most likely point in time when the couple could raise their relationship stakes in such a big way. The reasoning behind it all comes down to scheduling, with late August/early September offering up the most potential (not to mention coming months after the promotional push for her new album, which Kelce has already heard songs from). In the expert's words:

The ongoing success of Taylor’s tour is truly an absolute triumph, and paired with Travis’s Superbowl win, it’s obvious why this couple is the one to watch this year. The odds of an engagement happening are increasing with each public display of affection, including last-minute long-haul flights from Taylor and Travis wearing a bracelet with T pendants and hearts during his brother Jason’s retirement ceremony at the beginning of March.

Taylor Swift will return to her Eras Tour duties for another span of worldwide dates starting in May, and she’ll return to North America in August, with dates in Canada, Miami, New Orleans, Indianapolis and more rounding out her 2024. Meanwhile, Travis Kelce will be gearing up for a regular season return as the Kansas City Chiefs’ star tight end, which will of course keep him busy until either the team’s luck runs out, or until they pull off another Super Bowl victory.

So the scheduling, combined with the fact that this will be just after the time when the couple will be celebrating their one-year anniversary, has sparked the increasing odds of the engagement happening in September. Although the alternate take is that they could do it in October to coincide with Travis Kelce's 35th birthday taking place on October 5, which is also the same birthday as Swift's late grandmother Marjorie Finlay.

Obviously anything contemplated here should be taken with a grain of salt, since these are projections based on data and not confirmations made by either Kelce, Swift or anyone close to them. And to that end, there are also rumors pointing to the couple actually wanting to take things casually going forward.

Not So Fast, Engagement Hopefuls

People are speculating about where Kelce and Swift's relationship might be headed in the future, largely based on just how happy they appear to be in every public outing they've been witnessed at, whether it's a dinner out on the town, celebratory post-Super Bowl dancing and singing, or Kelce being a gift-giving spectator during Eras Tour shows. But what if the notion here is that they're happy without the responsibilities of wedding and being married?

According to US Weekly's insiders, everything is coming up roses for the duo, with Kelce's family and friends reportedly opening their arms welcomingly for Swift. But it's alleged that neither one is necessarily ready to move beyond this happy-go-lucky period, even if that may be the goal one day. Here's how the insider put it:

Travis and Taylor are still in the ‘honeymoon’ phase and the relationship is serious. They are on the same page about the future but are not rushing marriage or the next step.

By all means, some adoring couples out there go decades without any unions being made legally official, while many hastily achieved nuptials are eventually reversed after those involved have time to consider their impulses. So if the NFL champ and Billboard-topping artist are 100% peachy in the "dating but not yet engaged" stage, then that's what they should do.

But just to say it: if Swift's her Super Bowl dress cost somewhere north of $60,000, you just KNOW her wedding dress is going to equal the GNP of a small country. Plus, I think we can all agree Jason Kelce’s expertise with Swift references makes him a solid candidate for speeches. Okay now I'll save all remaining bits of speculation for when they actually do get engaged.

Nick Venable
Assistant Managing Editor

Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper.  Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.