32 Most Heartwarming Bridgerton Moments

Nicola Coughlan smiling in Season 3 of Bridgerton.
(Image credit: Netflix)

When you think of Bridgerton, romantic is probably the first word that comes to mind. However, heartwarming is also an adjective that aptly describes so many instances in the show, and it’s these scenes that fall into this category that make one of Netflix’s most beingable shows so beloved.

Violet talking to Colin in Season 3 of Bridgerton.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Violet Asks Colin To Put Himself First

For the first two seasons, I was annoyed with Colin Bridgerton because of his chronic people-pleasing tendencies. However, the tides started to turn on that opinion when Violet had a heart-to-heart with her son, and asked him to put himself first for once. This heartwarming conversation gave me a bit more empathy toward the Bridgerton brother, and it also served as a turning point in his development in Season 3, which eventually led him to Penelope.

Eloise and Penelope sitting together on a couch.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Eloise And Penelope Make Up

At the end of Bridgerton’s second season, Penelope and Eloise had a catastrophic fight when the Bridgerton sister found out that her friend was Lady Whistledown. Even Nicola Coughlan felt “sick” as her character fought with Eloise. However, in Season 3, they were able to make amends and help each other. And, I have to say, nothing was more heartwarming than seeing them smile at each other and laugh together again.

Eloise taking books from Theo in Bridgerton.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Theo Gives Eloise Books

Theo and Eloise’s sweet little romance in Season 2 was adorable, as Claudia Jesse’s Bridgerton sister started falling for the young printer. While Eloise is quite averse to love most of the time, it was so cute to see her crushing on Theo, especially as they shared their love for books, and he gave her some to read.

Anthony crying and looking to his left in Bridgerton.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Violet Comforting Anthony After Kate’s Accident

After Kate’s accident, Anthony doesn’t go see her, because he’s so scared of losing her. However, when she wakes up, and Violet tells her son the news, he’s so emotional because he doesn’t know if he can go back to her. Then, Violet lovingly tells her son that even though her husband died far too young, she’d still do it all over again, because “real true love is worth it, no matter what.” Those words are exactly what the viscount needed to hear to go back to Kate.

Benedict looking at Eloise on the swings in Bridgerton Season 1.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Benedict And Eloise’s Conversation On The Swings In Season 1

A tradition has to start somewhere, and this one began when Eloise and Benedict shared a deep conversation about gender roles during Bridgerton’s first season. Both Bridgerton siblings often feel like they don’t fit into the world they’re in, and this swing conversation showed them acknowledging it and finding companionship with each other.

Eloise on the swings in Season 2 of Bridgerton.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Benedict And Eloise Have Their Swings Conversation In Season 2

In the Season 2 swings conversation, Benedict is feeling down on his luck about art school, because he just found out Anthony paid for his spot. Meanwhile, Eloise does not want to go to a ball. So, the two comfort each other and decide to attend the ball together.

Anthony looking stern in Bridgerton.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Anthony Stands Up For Kate And Edwina

While this scene is serious and intense, it’s also heartwarming deep down. Despite Anthony’s confusing feelings about Kate and Edwina, he cares deeply about them. So, when the Sharma family was being verbally berated by their grandparents about Edwina needing to marry a rich British man, instead of being mad at the sisters, he stood up for them and made it abundantly clear that they would not stand for this kind of treatment.

Jonathan Bailey walking and smiling in Bridgerton.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Anthony Brings The Family Together For A Dance

Toward the end of Season 2, when it felt like the Bridgerton family had been disgraced by the ton and no one would show up to their ball, Anthony gathered them for a dance. While he’s normally the more stern member of the bunch, in this moment his sweet side came out, and he brought his family and loved ones together for a wonderful moment of joy.

Kate looking at Anthony at a ball in Bridgerton.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Kate And Anthony Dance Together At The Ball

In one of the finale scenes of Season 2, Kate asks Anthony for dance: “Are you going to ask me to dance one last time?” she asks. And in response, Anthony questions: “Are you going to say ‘Yes?’” From this little bickering moment to them lovingly dancing around the ballroom together despite society’s expectations, this is a perfect culmination for the couple, and it eventually leads to their epic love confession.

Benedict sitting on the swings in Season 3 of Bridgerton.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Benedict And Eloise Share A Sweet Chat On The Swings In Season 3

As Season 3 came to an end, and the anticipation for Season 4 of Bridgerton began, Eloise and Benedict shared a chat on the swings that seemed to allude to the fact that Benedict would lead the next installment of the regency romance. They discussed how confusing life and love is, and at one point, Luke Thompson's character said:

"It feels right now that the next thing I might learn may change me entirely."

Both Benedict and Eloise appear to be at turning points in this instance, and it was nice to see them acknowledge it and look forward to what’s next.

Brimsley and Reynolds dancing.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Brimsley And Reynolds’ Dance In The Garden

Queen Charlotte featured the sweetest side plot between the Queen and King’s right-hand men, Brimsley and Reynolds. The two had to hide their love from many because of the times they lived in. However, they found their sweet moments to show their love, and one came when they danced together in the garden.

Kate looking at Anthony while standing outside.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Anthony And Kate Falling Into The Mud Together During Pall-Mall

It’s always fun to see the Bridgerton couples laughing together. For the most part, Kate and Anthony’s season is filled with serious longing, tension and passion. However, during the family’s game of pall-mall, they share an adorable moment when they both fall in the mud and wind up laughing together.

Queen Charlotte holding King George's face.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Queen Charlotte And King George Confess Their Love

Despite George’s attempts to distance himself from Charlotte, because he didn’t want her to have to work through his condition with him, she demands that she wants to be with him. That’s when she confesses her love. While he still tries to push her away, she won’t go, and she says the only way she will go is if he says he doesn’t love her. However, he does love her, and he tells her that. And this passionate love confession is one of the many reasons why Queen Charlotte is so romantic.

Simon and Daphne looking up.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Daphne And Simon’s Moment In The Hall Of Portraits

We love it when the fake dating trope starts to take the inevitable turn into real dating. In Simon and Daphne’s case, one of the turning points came in the hall of portraits where a flirty chat about fooling Lady Whistledown turned into an intimate conversation about the painting they were admiring. Amid all of that, they also held hands for a split second, and as Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice proved, the smallest of hand gestures can mean the world and send everyone swooning.

Kate looking lovingly at Anthony.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Kate And Anthony’s Love Confession

After eight episodes of bickering, flirting, pining and growing closer, Anthony and Kate finally confessed their love to each other at the very end of Bridgerton’s second season. Seeing the two of them acknowledge their feelings in full force and agree to spend their lives together was so heartwarming and sweet, and it was the perfect culmination of their love story’s first chapter.

Penelope smiling at her wedding.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Penelope And Colin Dance After Their Wedding

When the crowd disappears and it's only Colin and Penelope dancing after their wedding it’s the sweetest thing. While they still have a lot to unpack with the whole Lady Whistledown situation, this instance is one of pure love and joy, and it’s wonderful. I mean, how can your heart not be full watching two very in love people dance to a classical cover of Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me?”

Kate looking at Anthony after getting stung by a bee.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Kate’s Reaction To The Bee Sting

The bee sting is a monumental moment in Kate and Anthony’s love story. It’s a terrifying and vulnerable instance for the viscount, as his father died of a bee sting, so when Kate is stung he begins to panic. While the two haven’t fully realized their feelings for each other, Kate does breathe with Anthony through the scene, and she helps him calm down. It’s a heartwarming moment and a major turning point for the soon-to-be couple.

Queen Charlotte under her bed looking to her right.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Charlotte And George’s Sweet Moments Under The Bed

If you want to feel like your heart is going to explode out of your chest, look no further than the final scene in Queen Charlotte that cuts between young Charlotte and George and Bridgerton-era Charlotte and George meeting under the bed, lying together and thanking each other for their great love.

Penelope looking proud.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Penelope Pays For Her Sisters’ Party, And Gives The Credit To Her Mother

Toward the end of Bridgerton Season 3, Penelope’s sisters throw a big party. However, the Featheringtons don’t exactly have the funding for that. Lady Whistledown does though, so Penelope pays for her sisters’ big party, and instead of taking the credit for it, she gives that to her mother.

Francesca and Violet playing the pianoforte together.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Francesca And Violet Play The Pianoforte Together

We love a mother-daughter moment, and we got a great one when Francesca asked Violet to play the pianoforte with her. While the Bridgerton sibling’s mother wasn’t exactly great at playing, the two had a blast together, and the love they shared with each other at that moment was so infectious that the entire family was smiling while watching them.

Benedict looking out the window with his left hand on his chest.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Benedict Finds Out He Got Into Art School

In Season 2, Benedict decides he wants to go to art school, and when he finds out that he got in, his celebration is so glorious, it will honestly make your heart sing. Now, while he later finds out that his brother paid for his spot, it doesn’t diminish how heartwarming his initial reaction is to the news, because how can you not smile as he screams “You shall all bear witness to my talents!!”

Victor Alli and Hannah Dodd in Bridgerton Season 3

(Image credit: Netflix)

Francesca And John Sit Together In Silence

Francesca and John started to become a favorite Bridgerton couple because of their unique courtship. They find a lot of peace and love in the silence, and moments like them simply sitting next to each other are the sweetest.

Colin and Penelope looking at each other right after they've kissed, their faces are right next to each other.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Penelope Asks Colin For A Kiss

It took so much courage for Penelope to ask Colin for a kiss. While it’s stressful in the moment, this instance is heartwarming because it’s the first moment where Colin realizes his feelings for Penelope are more than just platonic and it’s a wonderful instance of the Featherington daughter doing something big for herself.

From left to right: Francesca, Hyacinth, Eoloise and Gregory in the Bridgerton drawing room smiling.

(Image credit: Cr. Liam Daniel/Netflix © 2024)

Anytime The Bridgertons Are All In The Drawing Room

I love a chaotic moment in the Bridgerton drawing room where all the siblings and their mother are together bickering, relaxing and having a good laugh.

Anthony wearing a top hat and looking with conviction in Bridgerton Season 2.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Anthony Sees Kate For The First Time While Riding His Horse

Before Kate and Anthony meet and the bickering begins, the viscount sees the Sharma sister riding a horse. While they don’t exactly talk in that moment, the spark between them is 100% there, and it’s irresistible. Honestly, it sets up what’s to come perfectly.

Penelope smiling at Colin in Season 1 of Bridgerton.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Colin Offers To Dance With Penelope In Season 1

Before Colin and Penelope really became Polin, they shared the sweetest of friendships. That was proven in dividends in Season 1, when the Bridgerton brother asked the Featherington sister for a dance.

Queen Charlotte looking up with George standing behind her in the background.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Queen Charlotte And George Meet While She’s Climbing A Wall

I love a meet-cute, and I think Charlotte and George might have the best one. After Charlotte arrives at the palace, she decides to make a run for it, and that involves climbing a wall. Well, as that’s happening, the man she’s supposed to marry (George) catches her in the act, and they share the funniest and sweetest first interaction.

Lady Danbury speaking with Violet in Season 3 of Bridgerton.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Violet And Lady Danbury Address Their Pasts And Move Forward

In Queen Charlotte, we learn that Lady Danbury had a romance with Violet Bridgerton’s father. Then, in Season 3 of Bridgerton, Violet strikes up a little love story with Lady Danbury’s brother. Rather than getting mad at each other over all this, though, the two actually share the sweetest of interactions and accept both relationships, because they aren’t going to let men get in the way of their friendship.

Anthony standing behind Kate with his arm around her, they're both looking to their left.

(Image credit: Netflix)

The Final Pall-Mall Match Of Season 2

After Kate and Anthony officially tie the knot and enter their literal and figurative honeymoon phase, they spend part of it playing pall-mall with the Bridgertons. The two love birds can’t keep their hands off each other, however, they’re also so competitive that they will not opt out of the game, making for the perfect final scene in Kanthony’s love story.

The back of Anthony's head as he's talking to Gregory who looks sad.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Anthony Tells Gregory About Their Late Father

We don’t often get to see the older Bridgerton siblings share long conversations with the younger ones. However, in Season 2, there was a lovely scene between Anthony and Gregory as they spoke about their late father, and seeing as the viscount basically raised his younger sibling after his father’s death, this moment was especially heartwarming to see.

Hyacinth hugging Penelope.

(Image credit: Netflix)

When Hyacinth Freaks Out About Colin And Penelope’s Engagement

Hyacinth is the No. 1 Polin fangirl, and you can’t convince me otherwise. While most were excited and shocked by Colin and Penelope’s engagement, the youngest Bridgerton sibling had the best reaction as she properly freaked out for her brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law.

Kate and Anthony looking lovingly at each other.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Kate And Anthony Talk About Sharing The News That They’re Pregnant

Season 3 Kate and Anthony are so much happier and bubbly because they are that in love with each other. So, obviously, it was incredibly heartwarming when they found out that they were going to have a child, and Anthony’s eagerness to share the news was truly wonderful!

Overall, Bridgerton is filled with so many heartwarming moments, and they help create a glorious and wonderful portrait of love. If you are looking for a show that will make your heart happy, don’t hesitate to use that Netflix subscription to watch this regency romance and all these lovely scenes as soon as you possibly can.

Riley Utley
Weekend Editor

Riley Utley is the Weekend Editor at CinemaBlend. She has written for national publications as well as daily and alt-weekly newspapers in Spokane, Washington, Syracuse, New York and Charleston, South Carolina. She graduated with her master’s degree in arts journalism and communications from the Newhouse School at Syracuse University. Since joining the CB team she has covered numerous TV shows and movies -- including her personal favorite shows Ted Lasso and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. She also has followed and consistently written about everything from Taylor Swift to Fire Country, and she's enjoyed every second of it.