Reports Are Reading Into Dave Grohl’s Wife Not Wearing Her Wedding Ring To Tennis Lessons. I’m A Tennis Player, And This Is Nonsense

88th Annual Academy Awards photo of Dave Grohl and Jordyn Blum.
(Image credit: Getty Images)

This week, in the aftermath of Dave Grohl admitting he’s had a baby with a woman who isn’t his wife, Jordyn Blum has been followed around by the paparazzi. The first outing she was seen at was a tennis lesson she attended (or possibly drills, since Pete Wentz was also listed as on the court at the time). She had a cute tennis outfit on, but mostly what was being pointed out was the fact she did not seem to be wearing her wedding ring.

On Tuesday, Jordyn Blum was seen exiting a Studio City tennis complex around the same time as the aforementioned Wentz. She had been working with her longtime coach Christopher Crabb and she was still dressed in her tennis gear. But as Page Six put it, “Noticeably missing was any jewelry on her left ring finger.” Listen, while I get why this would be coming up given recent events, I’ve been playing sports for years, and nothing about this necessarily has jack to do with any home life issues that may be stemming from Grohl’s proclivities, despite any sleuthing being done.

Hi, my name is Jessica Rawden and I am a tennis addict. I play like 3-4 days a week and I have to limit myself to that or I’d probably play every single day and not work out enough in the gym to keep my muscle mass up. The thing is: Every single minute I am playing tennis, every single minute I am running and every single minute I am at the gym I skip wearing my wedding ring.

This isn’t so I can nab attention from a pro or another man on the court. It’s because my ring is white gold and periodically when I’ve worn it in the past I’ve scratched it up considerably during workouts. It’s because I don’t want the ring to be in the way or jam into my hand if I hit my backhand weird. It’s because at this point I don’t equate wearing my wedding ring with exercising, and there are myriad women on my tennis team who approach playing the same way.

Now, there’s another woman who plays on my team – and who has a gorgeous engagement ring and wedding band – who keeps it on when she plays. She says she only takes it off periodically when she has to for work. All this is to say, there’s no right or wrong way, but just because a woman is playing tennis without a ring on doesn’t mean she’s bailing on her marriage. Skipping the wedding ring in this case implies nothing.

To this point, separate reports have shared more details about what Blum knew when before her husband's public announcement. She’s reportedly also leaning on fellow celebrity Kate Hudson for support. Another report at the Daily Mail mentioned there had been tension between the couple when it came to Blum’s tennis coach Christopher Crabb in the past, with Grohl reportedly alleging "they've flirted." If true, these things could actually be bigger factors in whatever is going on in her marriage of more than 21 years.

I have no insight into what is going on behind closed doors in her marriage, and there could. still be issues at hand, particularly given there were separate mentions a few weeks ago about Blum ditching her ring in other contexts. Still, at the end of the day, I just want to hone in on the fact it's not particularly unusual for a married woman to leave her wedding ring at home during exercise, particularly when it’s a contact sport or a sport in which you are using your hands a lot. I mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say it's a practical choice.

Jessica Rawden
Managing Editor

Jessica Rawden is Managing Editor at CinemaBlend. She’s been kicking out news stories since 2007 and joined the full-time staff in 2014. She oversees news content, hiring and training for the site, and her areas of expertise include theme parks, rom-coms, Hallmark (particularly Christmas movie season), reality TV, celebrity interviews and primetime. She loves a good animated movie. Jessica has a Masters in Library Science degree from Indiana University, and used to be found behind a reference desk most definitely not shushing people. She now uses those skills in researching and tracking down information in very different ways.