Taylor Sheridan's Landman Featured A Wild Cameo In Its Penultimate Episode, Just Not The Big One I've Been Waiting For

Spoilers below for anyone who hasn't yet streamed the penultimate episode of Landman's first season with a Paramount+ subscription, so be warned!

With the installment titled "WolfCamp," Taylor Sheridan's oilfield drama Landman appeared to deliver Season 1's latest narrative-shaking death, and I'll be very surprised if Jon Hamm's Monty Miller returns in the finale with a clean bill of health after being laid out in a hospital bed following his third heart attack. And I'm really hoping that Demi Moore's Cami steps up with more screen-time in his absence, but that's not what we're here to talk about so early in the 2025 TV schedule.

Instead, we’re focusing on the episode’s big and genuinely surprising cameo, and the previously expected new addition to the drama that somehow hasn’t been introduced yet, despite only one episode remaining. So let’s “cowboy” up and dive in, as it were.

Jerry Jones talking to Monty in hospital in Landman Episode 9

(Image credit: Paramount+)

Jerry Jones Is Apparently Friends With Monty And Tommy

After making the long drive to Fort Worth to visit Monty in the hospital, where wife Cami waits dutiful by her lonesome, Tommy walked into the oil tycoon's room to find none other than Dallas Cowboys owner, president and general manager Jerry Jones, who is apparently friendly with both of the other men. Which was already hinted at when Cami referred to him as just "Jerry." Small world for such a big state.

The billionaire mogul obviously wasn't hanging out for shits and giggles, and Jones was only on screen long enough to tell an inspirational (if slightly falsified) anecdote about how so much of his successes were sparked by the love of his family. As he put it:

My daughter, when I was in my 30s, went to school at Stanford. I couldn't stand it. She was so far from Arkansas. So I'd think of reasons to make trips out there, try to come up with a little business or something. I'd go out there with her. We had an old office in Palo Alto. Jane goes to class with her. I said, 'You know I need to get some things going out here if I'm gonna spend this kind of time.' So I went over to Brentwood, about 20-30 miles from San Francisco, and I bought about 25 lots like I was gonna build 25 houses. Except I drilled four gas wells, and those four gas wells in 18 months paid me enough money for me to buy the Dallas Cowboys. Paying attention to my kids actually led to me getting involved into the passion of my life. And all along, all I was trying to do was hang out with my daughter. Lot of things happen that you didn't have planned or don't have the strategy for.

Yeah, some of that is stretched out from the real-world events that serve as Jerry Jones' origin story, but it was understandably streamlined in a way that made the most sense to be offered up as inspirational to Monty. The Cowboys head honcho essentially expressed the point that family is more important than a job or money, but if there's a way to make the job and money work for the family, that's the happiest medium.

Jones continued with a more direct line of cautionary wording for Monty, who is presumably too far gone to put any of that advice to work for himself. He continued:

I just know it's not gonna be this time, but you're gonna be sitting there some time in the future, laying here some time in the future, and this room's gonna be full of your business associates and the people you've worked with all your life, and more than likely, your children and your family's gonna be there because they're your children and your family. But you could have 'em there because they're the people you spent your life with, you worked with, you fell down with, you got up with. Not just Thanksgiving and Christmas. That's who you want to be with. So when that time comes like this, it's a celebration of your life, and you're not wishing you'd spent a little more time seeing a few more suns come up. That's the trick.

Weirdly enough, without any further conversation to be had, Jerry Jones up and exited the room after his story. (I like to think that Texas hospitals hire the NFL owner to share his story with doomed patients, despite a lack of similarities.) It seemed to have a minor effect on Monty's brain, as one of the first things he does is ask if his daughters are in the waiting room, which they are not. (Why they'd be outside with Cami instead of in the room like Jones and Tommy is beyond me.)

Andy Garcia in cowboy hat in Long Gone Heroes

(Image credit: Lionsgate Movies)

But Where In The World Is Andy Garcia's Mystery Character?

One of the bigger unaddressed mysteries in Landman's first season is what caused the sibling rivalry rift between Ainsley and Cooper, which is seemingly a reflection of where Taylor Sheridan took Beth and Jamie's relationship in Yellowstone. But it doesn't look like that's getting answered at any point in the remaining ep. However, I think we 100% need to get some clarity on what's happening with Andy Garcia's character, since we have yet to see that particular introduction.

We might not be so anxious if Garcia's casting hadn't been made public all the way back in May 2024. At the time, he was reported to have been cast as "Galino, an extremely capable, powerful and practical man," making it sound like he'd be a major player in the drama. And yet there's been no sign of him during the first nine episodes.

At this point, two theories can be considered here. One: Galino is the currently unseen head of the cartel that Tommy is trying to avoid dealing with, and the "bogey" deaths that occurred during the military's testing will bring him out of the shadows. Or two: Galino's arrival is connected to Monty's death, with Tommy and Rebecca's respective promotions being thrown into question. I'd personally rather see him as a cartel boss than another stressed-out billionaire, just so long as one of them happens, and this isn't a case where Garcia dropped out of the project without anyone knowing.

Will we get to see Jerry Jones appearing in any upcoming Yellowstone shows, assuming his relationship with Taylor Sheridan extends beyond their Landman connection? Will Andy Garcia finally show up in the finale? The only wait to find out is to wait patiently, though hollering questions at the TV also helps.

Nick Venable
Assistant Managing Editor

Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper.  Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.