Every Main Version Of Michelangelo From The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ranked
From Cowabunga to Booyakasha!

I’ll be honest with you: Michelangelo was never my favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. That would be Raphael.
However, I’ve known all my life that Michelangelo is the most popular hero in a half shell, as he was always the one with the coolest catchphrases, and arguably the coolest weapon. Yep, from the animated TMNT shows and movies, to the live-action ones, Michelangelo has always just been that guy. Hell, even the first animated cartoon said it best when it called him “a party dude.”
So as somebody who always tries to give the people what they want, I thought I’d rank every main version of Michelangelo. Now, by “main version,” I mean appearances where Mikey was prominently featured in the storyline. I would include his first appearance in the comics, but I feel like he truly came into his own in the 1987 cartoon series. So, which version of Mikey is the absolute best? Well, you’re about to find out.
Oh, and minor TMNT spoilers are up ahead for the #1 pick.
11. Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation (1997)
I once wrote an article arguing over which was better: the Power Rangers or the Ninja Turtles, as both were a huge part of my childhood. Well, the live-action Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation was like, screw it, why not just combine the two, which was how we ended up with this turkey of a show.
Michelangelo is especially annoying in this series, as he runs an obnoxious radio show from a Jeep. Not only that, but he doesn’t even wield his trademark nunchuck, but rather tonfas (I guess because nunchucks were readily available at the time, and dumbass kids, like myself, were hurting ourselves left and right with them).
Honestly, it’s not Mikey’s fault, though. EVERYTHING about The Next Mutation is terrible, so Mikey just happened to be a casualty in this disaster. Blech!
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10. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014-2016 live-action movies)
I’ve never been a fan of the Michael Bay Transformers movies, but I’ve also never really been a fan of Transformers as a whole. So, I wasn’t entirely offended by how bad most of those movies were. However, as a huge TMNT fan, those two Bay-produced Turtles films hurt my soul. The first one was bad, but the second one, Out of the Shadows, was an absolute trainwreck.
So much so that Mikey, who is usually a bright spot in any Turtles story, couldn’t even save it.
None of his jokes landed, and even his fight scenes looked clunky. Much like The Next Mutation, it isn’t entirely Mikey’s fault since the two movies he was in weren’t good, but I was hoping that at least the party dude could make them watchable. Alas, he could not.
9. TMNT (2007)
I feel like the 2007 animated Ninja Turtles movie, simply titled TMNT, often gets forgotten, which is a shame since it’s pretty damn good. The plot actually doesn’t feature Shredder, and a great deal of the story centers around the Turtles getting back together.
Michelangelo is used best here as the comic relief, as the rest of the film is surprisingly dark for a mid-2000s Turtles story. While he’s separated from his brothers, he has a day job as a birthday party entertainer named Cowabunga Carl, and all the scenes with him skateboarding in the sewer and kicking butt feel like vintage Mikey.
The only problem here is that he kind of gets lost in the story midway through, but otherwise, this is a fine version of the character.
8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 animated series)
For some, the 2003 series is their version of the Turtles, and cool. More (turtle) power to them. I've always felt that the 2003 series is under-appreciated myself, as it's a little darker than the other animated iterations of the Turtles.
With that said, Michelangelo is interesting as he fits the tone of the show. He's still quite jokey, but he's not as playful as some of the other versions. He's a little more restrained here, which works for this series. So, I like him, but I just don't love him. Maybe if I grew up with him. Who's to say?
7. Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2019)
I kind of feel like the 2003 Mikey and the one from this movie are similar in that the worlds around them kind of dictate their personalities. But, I actually prefer Mikey here, as I enjoy his interactions with Batman.
Michelangelo provides some levity in this slightly darker story, which is exactly Mikey's job. I just wish I could spend some more time with him in this world to get a better sense of his personality.
6. Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2018)
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles really had to grow on me, and I thank the movie (and its cast) for making me a fan.
The thing about Rise is that it's so frenetic, with mystical powers and everything. So, when I first watched it, I thought this was a bad thing. But now, I find it fun, and Michelangelo is a big part of that (even though Leonardo is like a second Mikey in this series). Mike is off the walls in this one, and yet he fits perfectly in this world. I approve.
5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990-1993 live-action movies)
Okay, if we were just talking the first two Turtles movies, then this Mikey might be even higher on this list. But, that abysmal third movie exists, and… yeah.
Be that as it may, this Michelangelo is really groovy. He loves pizza above all else, and actually looks cool swinging his nunchucks. In the dark world of the first movie, he’s a welcome relief.
The second movie is a lot more zany, and so all of the Turtles kind of act like Mikey, but he's still fun. Then he's just super annoying in the third film, so that sucks. Overall, he's fun in these movies, but it's a lopsided fun.
4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023)
In what I once called the greatest TMNT movie of all time, Mutant Mayhem is probably my favorite version of the Turtles so far. Each character feels uniquely different from everything that came before, so it's hard to pick a favorite.
Honestly, I might just pick Leonardo (whom I NEVER pick), but Mikey is great, too. He's just so adorable.
Being slightly shy (which is so different for Michelangelo) and behaving like an actual teenager, this Mikey is a breath of fresh air. If I have one complaint, it's that he gets a tad bit overshadowed by his brothers. Otherwise, I love this version of Michelangelo. He’s definitely a new favorite of mine.
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 animated series)
Look, I consider myself a TMNT purist. So, when I hear Michelangelo in my mind, it's the surfer dude voice of Townsend Coleman.
And yet, I don’t consider this the best version of the character. Perhaps it's because the show itself went on a little too long. (Towards the end of it, Mikey didn't even have his trademark weapon. He got a grappling hook.)
But honestly, I just think the turtles themselves got tiresome over time. That said, back in those early years… man, there was nothing else like them. Mikey, included.
2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 animated series)
With this being the very best version of the Turtles (believe it!), it's no surprise that this version also has one of the best versions of Michelangelo ever.
He's the youngest brother here, and feels like it. Totally immature, but always wanting to prove himself, he also has probably the kindest heart, and he's maybe the funniest he's ever been (though Donnie’s a close second).
I ADORE this version of the character, but he’s still not my favorite. That, of course, would have to be…
1. The Last Ronin (2020)
Could there really be any other pick? In what feels like a complete revelation for the character, The Last Ronin comic arc sees Michelangelo as the last living Ninja Turtle.
Utilizing all of his brother's weapons, Mikey is distressed and (no pun intended) a shell of his former self. They're actually making an R-rated movie of this story, and I'm definitely looking forward to it. It's either going to be the best Turtles movie ever… or the worst. We'll just have to wait and see.
And that's the list. If this article does well, maybe I'll do one for Raphael. Because we could all do for some more T-U-R-T-L-E power in our lives, right?
Rich is a Jersey boy, through and through. He graduated from Rutgers University (Go, R.U.!), and thinks the Garden State is the best state in the country. That said, he’ll take Chicago Deep Dish pizza over a New York slice any day of the week. Don’t hate. When he’s not watching his two kids, he’s usually working on a novel, watching vintage movies, or reading some obscure book.