Agatha All Along's Billy Flashback Finally Answered One Of The First Episode's Lingering Question, But Raised An Even Bigger One

Agatha confused by Teen during flashback interrogation in Agatha All Along
(Image credit: Disney+)

Spoilers align The Witches’ Road below for anyone who hasn’t yet caught up with Agatha All Along via Disney+ subscription, so be warned!

Its overarching effects remain to be seen, but Agatha All Along’s sixth episode “Familiar By Thy Side” may have permanently shifted the scope of upcoming MCU movies and TV shows by giving Joe Locke’s Billy Maximoff (and William Caplan) an origin story of sorts. Not only did it potentially set up the Young Avengers’ formation and confirm Billy as the coven’s “Black Heart” member, complete with Ralph Bohner’s return, but it also shined new light on Agatha’s first-episode hallucinations.

Specifically, the circumstances surrounding William Caplan’s conversation with Lilia and the family’s post-Bar Mitzvah car crash added new context to moments that were laid out in "Seekest Thou the Road.” (While also explaining Lilia's random outbursts.) And while one of the previously confusing comments “Agnes” shares with “Agent Vidal” makes total sense now, it completely changes one of the “facts” about the corpse that we’ve all been suspecting is Wanda, and makes me question whether that assumption is all wrong.

Alice as cop in Billy flashback in Agatha All Along Episode 6

(Image credit: Disney+)

Question: Why Didn't Agnes' Car Wreck Details Match The Crash That Killed William?

For those who may not have rewatched the series premiere with renewed interest after every successive episode — uhhh, not that I've done that myself or anything — the wreck that killed William Caplan was referenced when "Agnes" and "Agent Vidal" were chatting and chuckling over beers. (Revealed later to be presumably empty coffee mugs.)

"Agnes" claims to have a new lead in the case of the mystery corpse, noting that there was a wreck in Eastview (in a way we'll detail more lower down), with these details shared:

Bloodstain in the backseat. . . . Front two airbags deployed. . . . My gut tells me they’re related, but I can’t shake this feeling I’m seeing it wrong.

Ahead of the sixth episode, fans theorized that Billy and one of his parents were in that car, with some going so far as to think that Wanda herself was driving him, despite it happening outside the hex. In any case, previews for the ep made it clear that Locke's character was in the backseat, and that he was definitely bleeding enough to have left the evidence Agnes was talking about. But now we know why the reporting were fuzzy at the time.

Answer: The Sigil Caused Alice To Forget Billy In The Police Report

Given that Alice Yu was the first officer who was flagged down by Jeff Kaplan at the scene of the crash, she was likely the one who wrote up whatever police report that would go on to inform Agnes at some point. And because William/Billy still had the sigil on him that Lilia crafted an hour or so prior, it stands to reason that as soon as Alice stopped looking at the backseat, the teen was completely vanquished from her memory. So whenever she made her report about the incident, she presumably only remembered two people being in the car.

This answer can actually be worked out in a different way that would still apply even if Agatha All Along featured a scene where Alice wrote the police report while looking directly at Billy's unconscious body. It's legitimately possible that while "Agnes" was recalling those details about the accident, the sigil effect made her unable to grasp that there was someone else in the backseat amidst the blood.

Agnes looking down at corpse in Agatha All Along premiere

(Image credit: Disney+)

New Question: Are We All Wrong About Wanda Maximoff Being The Dead Body?

Two very clear lines of evidence were drawn between the corpse at the heart of Agnes' police-procedural investigation and Wanda's death in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: the body being crushed by something massive, and the Eastern European soil found under the nails. But here's the thing, the timeline noted in the premiere doesn't seem to add up at all with how things played out on the day Wanda pulled down the Westview Hex.

Here's the bit of info Agnes shared that I'd purposefully left out of the above quote:

There was a car wreck, about an hour before time of death.

Agnes is saying there that the body she'd looked at earlier, near the spot where she found her brooch, somehow died an hour after the crash that allowed Billy's disembodied soul to fill out the husk of William Caplan's body in the seconds after his heart stopped beating. But as far as I can tell, fans aren't privy to what might have happened a full hour after Westview's citizens were freed from the mental torture Wanda had them suffer through.

After Wanda and Agatha have their full-on witch battle in the sky, followed by Wanda putting the spell on Agatha that causes her TV-centric hallucinations, the Scarlet Witch removes the Hex, has a final convo with Monica, gets a bunch of harsh looks from the still-fearful residents, and takes off flying. It's not clear when she gets to the post-credits cabin where she does her Darkhold cramming, but it definitely seemed like more than an hour had passed.

So if that timeframe is meant to be taken as gospel, and we're obviously not sure if that's the case, then I'm keen on believing that it wasn't Wanda's corpse she was seeing at all. Given the black marks on the hands, indicating recent Darkhold usage, as well as the proximity to the brooch, I kinda think Agnes is looking at someone far more familiar.

Possible Answer: It's Been Agatha's Corpse All Along

I realize this line of thinking is automatically easy to poke holes in — weird phrasing for a dead body comment, I guess — but it would explain why the first half of the premiere is so vague and cryptic about the Wanda-ness of it all, and would give a new spin to Agnes winking about how realistically "dead" the victim is.

I thought it odd that Agnes found the Mother, Maiden, Crone brooch out in the mud near the body. Though the Agatha/Wanda fight could have theoretically led to its displacement, I don't know that it would mean all that much for her to find it near Wanda's body in that moment. Similarly curious is the way Agnes is so visibly discomforted by looking at the body, enough that she lightly clutches her chest while staring down. I don't know that she'd be this upset about the demise of what's ostensibly her enemy.

As far as the aforementioned Darkhold-centric blackness on the fingers of the corpse go, let's not forget that Agatha's hands were indeed mostly black during the WandaVision finale battle. Even if she had to stay in Agnes mode due to Wanda's spell, that doesn't change the fact that her "real" body would still be the same until whatever point when the Darkhold's influence wore off. So if Agatha did die somehow in the immediate aftermath of the Hex's removal, she would probably still have the same darkened hands.

This line of thinking could also explain why Rio shows up in Agatha's hallucination in such a way, hinging on the idea that Rio is some form of Lady Death, and could be why she's around at all. It could also be a way of explaining how Evanora was able to posess Agatha's body in Episode 5, if one starts to assume that the purple witch lost her life essence three years prior.

But again, it's not an airtight theory, and could easily be proven wrong by one reveal or another in the final three episodes. The only way to find out is by watching Agatha All Along (as many times as possible) every Wednesday night at 9:00 p.m. ET on Disney+.

Nick Venable
Assistant Managing Editor

Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper.  Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.