5 Lessons This New Fantastic Four Movie Can Learn From The Old Ones
It's clobberin' time! Again!

Ah, the Fantastic Four. They’re no strangers to the big screen. Because this upcoming iteration (which we know a thing or two about), this will be the fourth live-action movie (fifth if you count the unreleased 1994 picture) based on Marvel’s “first family.”
And let me tell you. It has been a bumpy ride. From the just-mentioned, scuttled Roger Corman movie, to the much-maligned 2015 picture (which I actually kind of like), the Fantastic Four’s multiple treks to the multiplex have been anything but smooth.
However, there’s hope! (even though some fans are already complaining), as this upcoming movie is a part of the MCU, so there will likely be a much bigger budget involved than with previous films. Not only that, but this movie has the benefit of learning from the mistakes of the older movies. Now, some of what I’m presenting here today is based on rumors and speculation, but withe that said, here are five lessons that this new Fantastic Four movie can learn from the older ones. Flame on!
If They're Going With Galactus, Don't Make Him A Giant, Angry Cloud Again
Fans have been clamoring for Galactus as far back as when we actually thought there would be a sequel to Eternals (my poor, beloved Eternals). With a Fantastic Four movie, there’s actually real hope that we’ll see him in the MCU, because Galactus is one of the Fantastic Four’s main villains.
Though there has been no confirmation that Galactus is appearing in this upcoming movie, long-time entertainment reporter Jeff Sneider believes that both Galactus and the Silver Surfer might make an appearance. And that really doesn’t sound too outside the realm of possibility, since we’ve already gotten Galactus and the Silver Surfer in 2007’s Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.
That said, even though I enjoyed that film (honestly, I like all of the Fantastic Four movies) I must say, if they’re going to go with Galactus again, then please, do NOT make him a giant, angry cloud again.
Because a lot of fans (myself included) felt super cheated that THAT’S the version of Galactus that we got. Come on now, we all know that Galactus is a huge, talking dude with a big purple helmet. We might not get THAT version of him in this movie (if we get him at all), but at least don’t make him a freaking cloud again. No, thank you.
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If They're Going With Doctor Doom, Make Him As Mysterious As Possible
Much like with Galactus, there’s no confirmation whether Doctor Doom will or won’t be in this upcoming movie (though that hasn’t stopped an MCU actor from shooting his shot to be the big bad). That said, it would be kind of shocking to me if Doom isn’t at least somehow in this movie. Maybe not as their main antagonist, but quite frankly, I would be gobsmacked if he didn’t make an appearance of some kind.
I mean, he’s literally been in every Fantastic Four movie. (Even the unreleased one!) That said, I could possibly imagine Feige and company wanting to hold off on him for a later date. But, if he’s not in a Fantastic Four movie, then I honestly don’t know when else would be a better opportunity for him to be introduced into the MCU. He’s literally their main bad guy.
So, if he were to be in this movie, they really should make him as mysterious as possible. I’m talking not showing his face at all. In the 2005 and 2007 movies, Doctor Doom was played by Nip/Tuck’s Julian McMahon, and in the 2015 movie, he was played by Toby Kebbell (who was in one of my favorite Black Mirror episodes, “The Entire History of You”).
Unfortunately, neither version was really all that mysterious. McMahon did a good job of playing a creep, but he didn’t wear the mask a lot, and he also didn’t feel all that intimidating. And, don’t even get me started on the 2015 Doctor Doom. He was arguably the worst part of that entire movie. (Not the actor’s fault, though!)
No, if we get Doom again, I want him to be scary, and a complete enigma. Because honestly, this is my favorite Marvel villain, and he deserves better!
Find A Nice Balance Between Kid-Friendly And Adult
This new movie is kind of in a weird spot. On one hand, there have been many instances where Marvel’s “first family” was super kid friendly. (I mean, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer was even rated PG!) But, on the other hand, we’ve also gotten relatively dark Fantastic Four tales, like the “Unthinkable” storyline. As an example, the 2015 movie was super dark, even employing freaking BODY HORROR at times.
All I’m asking is, can we have a nice balance of both? That really shouldn’t be too hard, since the MCU has built a reputation on being something that both kids and adults can enjoy. But, I still do want that adult side of the team as well. The 2005 and 2007 movies (which I liked, don’t get me wrong) were a bit too kiddy at times, and the 2015 movie was way too dark for the most part.
So, just make something that both kids and adults can enjoy. Is that too much to ask?
Try (If Possible) To Fit In Some Practical Effects, Where Possible
Here’s the thing. The 2015 movie, as much as I find admirable about it, looks like crap. I’m sorry, but it does. Doctor Doom looked atrocious, and Jamie Bell’s The Thing looked like a literal pile of rocks with eyes and a mouth.
It truly made the movie look cheap as hell, even though I know it wasn’t. However, The Thing in the previous movies still looks good. With make-up and prosthetics, they were truly able to make Michael Chiklis look like Benjamin Grimm, and I would love if we got something like that for the new movie.
Now, I know this might seem like a pipe dream, but honestly, just look at what they did with Guardians of the Galaxy. Yes, there’s a lot of CGI in those movies, but characters like Drax, Nebula, and Gamora looked fantastic in their make-up. So, if we got some practical effects mixed in with some CGI, I think that would really make for something special. It’s the best of both worlds!
Make It Weird, But Not Too Weird
Lastly, The Fantastic Four is, inherently, a weird series. These four people go up into space, and then come back with strange powers, and so far, each movie has stayed pretty close to that concept. However, this new movie seems like it might be set in the 1960s, and if that’s the case, then this can go into even more bizarre territories.
And, I’m super cool with that! A period piece Fantastic Four movie that’s kind of like Captain America: The First Avenger, or X-Men: Days of Future Past would be pretty rad. That said, I have one caveat: it should be weird, but not so weird that it’s alienating. The 2015 movie had that effect on viewers, and while I thought it was a pretty bold attempt, the box office numbers don’t lie, and that movie was an absolute BOMB.
This should be weird, but maybe lean closer to something like Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness-weird and not, well, Fantastic Four 2015 weird. It could make all the difference in the world.
What do you think? Are there any other major lessons that this new Fantastic Four movie should learn from the older ones? For more news on all things MCU, be sure to swing around here often!
Rich is a Jersey boy, through and through. He graduated from Rutgers University (Go, R.U.!), and thinks the Garden State is the best state in the country. That said, he’ll take Chicago Deep Dish pizza over a New York slice any day of the week. Don’t hate. When he’s not watching his two kids, he’s usually working on a novel, watching vintage movies, or reading some obscure book.

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