‘My Butt’s Had A Lot Of Screen Time:’ The Boys' Jack Quaid Shares Thoughts On Hugie's Nudity Ahead Of Final Season

Close-up of Hughie in shock on The Boys Season 4 Finale
(Image credit: Prime Video)

You know you’re watching one of Amazon’s best Prime Video series, The Boys, when there’s superhero-on-octopus bestiality, tons of exploding heads, milk fetishizing, murder-boners, and — [checks notes] — Jack Quaid’s buttocks. The actor himself doesn’t necessarily see his own on-screen nudity as a boon, however, and is amusingly all too aware of how often it’s been displayed. To the point where he sounds like he’d be ecstatic if his ass was left completely out of The Boys Season 5.

Not, like, left out of his pants or a shower stall or something. He just isn’t the most eager for Hughie’s full moon to rise up in the upcoming final season, which will hopefully arrive somewhere on the 2025 TV schedule. During a live recording of the podcast Happy Sad Confused at New York Comic Con (via People), Quaid addressed his current feelings about shedding his clothes for The Boys, saying:

Oh, man, I kind of just want nudity to stop. My butt’s had a lot of screen time and it’s not a great one, you know what I mean.

While it doesn’t seem like he was overtly upset about his backside being on display at various points throughout the series’ run thus far, I can imagine it wouldn’t sour his day to have showrunner Eric Kripke offer up a guarantee that he won’t need to drop trou for the remainder of Hughie’s on-screen existence. After everything the character went through in Tek Knight’s sex dungeon, I also wouldn’t take issue with Quaid being allowed to keep his clothes on.

How one feels about being nude on-screen isn’t always entirely tied to self-conscious feelings or one’s ego, but can be reflective of an actor’s friends and family being potential audience members. Even if it’s not an overt sex scene, it can still be all manner of awkward. To that end, Jack Quaid addressed whether or not his famed parents Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan have watched the Prime Video serial, with or without his rear-end on camera. As he put it:

Yes, no... Anything involved in my ass, I've just been like, 'Can you just not watch?' I mean, Season 3, don't watch it. Like no one in my family should watch Season 3. My butt's all over that thing.

To be fair, it's not as if Jack Quaid is the first person in this family to bare their skin for audiences. Dennis Quaid has been in various stages of the buff for multiple projects such as The Big Easy, Everybody's All-American, In Good Company and more. He even had sex scenes in Flesh and Bone with wife Meg Ryan, who also disrobed for roles in The Doors, The Presidio, and In the Cut. No word on whether or not The Boys star has seen any of those movies.

Thankfully, Jack Quaid's nude scenes haven't ever come across as being a major problem for him, and never went beyond his comfort level. He talked to Glamour in the past about how getting naked on the set gets only slightly easier over time, but that knowing the crew so well and having everyone feel like a family makes it less stressful.

While waiting for The Boys to return, check out all the upcoming superhero movies on the way, and check out HBO's The Franchise for another amusing satire built around making comic book superhero cinema.

Nick Venable
Assistant Managing Editor

Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper.  Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.