Alita: Battle Angel
Latest Alita: Battle Angel

32 Movies That Came Out At The Wrong Time
By Mike Reyes published
Movies like Scott Pilgrim, Gremlins 2, and even a Star Wars would-be blockbuster could have used better release dates.

32 Media Properties That We're Shocked Aren't Bigger Franchises
By Mike Reyes published
Not all media properties are equal, as some failed franchises still exist as stunning reminders that not every story gets to finish being told.

32 Movies That End In A Cliffhanger
By Dirk Libbey published
Most movies tell a complete story, but sometimes they leave the audience wanting more.

Eiza González's 4 Best Roles So Far, And 3 Movies I'm Excited To See Her In Next
By Mike Reyes published
Between Eiza González's past roles, and intriguing projects on the horizon, her acting career is shaping up to be quite amazing.

After Tenet's IMAX Re-release, I Want To See These 16 Movies Brought Back To The Format
By Mike Reyes published
With the IMAX format on a hot streak, it's time to share the love with some old favorites after Tenet's re-release.

Robert Rodriguez Keeps Alita 2 Hopes Alive With Latest Update
By Mike Reyes published
Members of the Alita Army shall are going to be very happy to hear Robert Rodriguez is continuing to stoke the fires surrounding a potential Alita 2.

Wait, Did James Cameron Confirm Multiple Alita Sequels Are In The Works While Talking About Selling His House?
By Mike Reyes published
While discussing plans to sell his California ranch, James Cameron may have just confirmed that more than one Alita sequel is in the pipeline.

Yet Another Alita: Battle Angel Star Is Pulling For That Sequel, So Your Move, Disney
By Mike Reyes published
Support for an Alita: Battle Angel sequel has just grown a bit stronger, thanks to another actor from the film wanting to make its happen.
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