star wars: the old republic
Latest star wars: the old republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic Patch 2.3 Adds Ewok Companion
By Pete Haas published
Star Wars: The Old Republic's newest patch will introduce another NPC companion for players to recruit. Treek is a fierce mercenary who also happens to be a lovable, fuzzy Ewok.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Patch 1.7 Arriving Tomorrow, Check Out The Launch Trailer Now
By Pete Haas published
Tomorrow BioWare will release the Game Update 1.7 for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This patch will introduce two big new features: Galactic Reputation and the Relics of the Gree event.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Rise Of The Hutt Cartel Trailer Explores Makeb
By Pete Haas published
BioWare released a "first look" trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic's first expansion today. This preview of Rise of the Hutt Cartel centers on the new world of Makeb.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Same Sex Romances Arriving This Year
By Pete Haas published
Star Wars: The Old Republic will soon allow gamers to pursue gay and lesbian romances. The new romance options will be included in the upcoming Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion pack for the MMORPG.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Rise Of The Hutt Cartel Expansion Coming This Spring
By Pete Haas published
BioWare has announced the first expansion pack to their MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. Rise of the Hutt Cartel, starring everyone's favorite crime boss slugs, will debut in Spring 2013.

BioWare Co-Founder Ray Muzyka Defends Passionate Fans, Blasts Gaming Journalists
By Will Usher published
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