star wars: the old republic
Latest star wars: the old republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic Celebrates Star Wars Day With Discount
By Pete Haas published
Today, if you're not aware, is Star Wars Day. BioWare has decided to commemorate the occasion by offering a discount on their MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic for the weekend.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Server Transfers Coming This Summer, New Species In The Works
By Pete Haas published

Analyst Says The Old Republic Subscription Numbers May Drop Even More
By Will Usher published

Star Wars: The Old Republic Adds Character Transfers For Asia Pacific
By Pete Haas published
For the first time, players in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be able to transfer to othewr servers. Unfortunately, they're only letting a small number of players take advantage of these features.

EA Laying Off Up To 1,000 Employees Due To Over-Spending In Marketing
By Will Usher published

Star Wars: The Old Republic Struck By Rakghoul Plague
By Pete Haas published
BioWare has launched a surprise event for Star Wars: The Old Republic. A Rakghoul Plague has broken out on the planet of Tattooine and players can catch the nasty disease if they're not careful.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Offering Free Game Time, Pet
By Pete Haas published
Earlier today, BioWare released Update 1.2 for Star Wars: The Old Republic. To celebrate the arrival of this major content patch, they're offering bonuses to both old and new players.
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