terminator: genisys
Latest terminator: genisys

Terminator Genisys Trailer Plays Up Love From James Cameron
By JOSEPH BAXTER published
Terminator Genisys hopes to capitalize on recent praise from the franchise's father, James Cameron, as this new TV spot quotes the director liberally.

The True Nature Of Terminator Genisys' T-800 And John Connor, According To Arnold
By Brent McKnight published
The T-800 and John Connor will have an interesting relationship in Terminator Genisys, and now Arnold Schwarzenegger has revealed some of the particulars.

So That's Who Flips The School Bus In Terminator Genisys
By Brent McKnight published
That school bus flip in Terminator Genisys is definitely an impressive feat, and now we know who is responsible for the crash.

When Terminator Genisys Actually Takes Place
By Brent McKnight published
Terminator Genisys is going to take place all over time, and according to one of the actors, that includes a stopover in the present day.

Terminator Cleverly Reminds Game Of Thrones Fans That Emilia Clarke Is In Genisys
By Brent McKnight published
Game of Thrones is all over the news today, and Terminator Genisys wants to remind GoT fans that franchise star Emilia Clarke is also in their movie.

Jai Courtney: 8 Things You Probably Never Knew About The Aussie Action Star
By Catarina Cowden published
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